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8F Consent Calendar 2018 0716
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2018 0305
Packet 2018 0716
8F Consent Calendar 2018 0716
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7/11/2018 12:33:50 PM
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7/11/2018 12:33:49 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-332 <br />The City’s streets are divided into approximately 1,000 maintenance segments which are each <br />inspected every two years. The street conditions are tracked in a software application, <br />StreetSaver that can also predict deterioration over time and evaluate the cost effectiveness of <br />maintenance alternatives. Based on current construction prices, the condition of City streets, and <br />the rate at which pavement is deteriorating, StreetSaver calculates that $10,500,000 per year is <br />required to maintain the City’s road system in its current condition and further recommends that <br />76% of that funding (approximately $8,000,000) be spent each year on overlay and <br />reconstruction. Expenditures in excess of this amount will increase the overall condition of the <br />City’s road system. <br />This project will overlay and reconstruct 11.7 lane-miles of roadway on 22 different streets <br />throughout the City. The streets selected for overlay are the worst streets that could be preserved <br />utilizing overlays. The streets selected for rehabilitation were the worst streets within the City. <br />When selecting streets, priority is given to streets that carry more vehicles than the norm and <br />streets that are on a bike route. A list of the work locations is attached to this staff report. Plans <br />and Specifications setting forth in detail the work to be done can be viewed on the City’s website <br />at the following location: <> <br />(first half of documents) <br /><> <br />(second half of documents) <br />As part of this project, pedestrian curb ramps within the street reconstruction limits will be <br />updated to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements. This <br />contract will also construct sanitary sewer point repairs for the Sanitary Sewer Point Repair 16/17 <br />Project that are located within planned street construction limits using WPCP Enterprise funds. <br />This is the largest street improvement project in the City’s history and is a direct result of voter <br />approval of local sales tax measures such as Measure B and BB. As a result of voters’ <br />willingness to approve this funding, the City will improve the overall condition of its streets. <br />Analysis <br />Bids were opened on June 22, 2018. Two bids were received, with base bids ranging from <br />$10,163,845 to $11,579,029. The pre-bid engineer’s estimate for the base bid construction was <br />$10,097,285. The low bidder, DeSilva Gates, was determined by staff to be the lowest <br />responsive bidder. <br />The contract includes an Additive Alternate A for the reconstruction work on Durant Avenue. Cost <br />for the additive alternate ranged from $1,469,660 (De Silva Gates) to $2,064,239 (Granite <br />Construction). The pre-bid engineer’s estimate for construction of Alternate A was $1,642,000. <br />Unfortunately, the City is not awarding Alternate A because the northern half of Durant Avenue lies <br />within the City of Oakland, and that municipality is not prepared to fund their fair share of the work <br />at this time. <br />None of the bidders have an office in San Leandro that would qualify them as a local business per <br />the Local Inclusion Policy Ordinance. Also, none of the bidders met the Local Business <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/10/2018
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