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File Number: 18-318 <br />Recent City purchases of other one-ton long bed pick-ups had a base price of $29,537, taxes of <br />$2,880, and $1,275 for an extended warranty, for a total of approximately $33,692 (if transfer of <br />funds is approved, it will go out to bid). This purchase requires increasing the 2018-19 budget by <br />the same amount and will be funded by transferring monies from existing appropriations in <br />Account 140-31-056. <br />Budget Authority <br />In order to complete the purchase of a one-ton long bed pick-up truck, staff recommends that the <br />City Council adopt a resolution authorizing a budget transfer in the amount of $33,692 from <br />140-31-056-5240 to the Equipment Maintenance Fund 690-16-002-7510. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/10/2018