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File Number: 18-363 <br />Analysis <br />On July 2, 2018, ACCO Engineered Systems provided a modified work order with a cost <br />proposal in the amount of $105,727.31 to install a motorized minimum flow bypass loop as <br />required by the boiler manufacturer, to remove existing ceiling mounted heating hot water pumps, <br />and to provide new base mounted pumps. The existing hot water pumps are in a location that is <br />precarious and potentially unsafe for staff to perform maintenance work. <br />The cost proposal for the modified work order, as prepared using the ezIQC tool, is attached as <br />Exhibit B to Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement. <br />Previous Actions <br />Resolution 2017-175 to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Non-Professional <br />Services Agreement with ACCO Engineered Systems for replacement of boilers at the Main <br />Library for $228,912.56. <br />Fiscal Impacts and Budget Authority <br />This Facilities Maintenance Fund project will cost an additional $105,727.31 and will be charged <br />to account 687-18-007-5242 in the fiscal year 2018-19 adopted budget. Total cost of this project <br />increased from $228,912.56 to $334,639.87, a 46% increase over original appropriation. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />Attachment(s) to Related Legislative File <br />·Amendment No. 1 to Non-Professional Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro <br />and ACCO Engineered Systems for Main Library Boiler Replacement Project <br />PREPARED BY: Jennifer Auletta, Deputy Public Works Director <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/10/2018