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File Number: 18-218 <br />As is standard in the construction industry, staff balanced site investigation costs with the risk of <br />finding unforeseen conditions during construction as well as the design costs with the level of <br />detail on the plans. As a result, unforeseen conditions may be encountered during construction <br />and plan details may need to be adjusted or clarified. In order to minimize delays to the project <br />and ensure that the scope of work is adjusted as needed to provide the highest quality project for <br />the City, staff requests authorization to negotiate and approve individual change orders. <br />Additionally, the favorable bids received provide the opportunity to increase the amount of work <br />installed without increasing the project budget. Therefore, staff requests authority to negotiate <br />and approve individual change orders up to 5% ($94,716) of the original contract amount and <br />cumulative change orders up to 15% ($284,147) of the original contract amount. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On November 21, 2016, the City Council by Resolution No. 2016-157 authorized the City <br />Manager to file an application for the CalRecycle Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Grant <br />Program. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Transportation Goal T-2 Design and operate streets to be safe, attractive, and accessible for <br />all transportation users whether they are pedestrians, bicyclist, transit riders or motorists, <br />regardless of age or ability. <br />Transportation Goal T-5 Improve major transportation arteries for circulation in and around the <br />city. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per <br />Section 15301(c) of the CEQA guidelines. The Notice of Exemption was filed with the Alameda <br />County Recorder on November 27, 2017. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·The Notice to Bidders was published in the Daily Review, the South County Post, Visión <br />Hispana and Sing Tao. <br />·Staff also notified twenty-three builders’ exchanges and construction data firms as well as a <br />list of contractors that asked to be notified of bidding opportunities via email. <br />·The project is described on the Engineering and Transportation Department website. <br />Two mandatory pre-bid meetings were held on May 3rd and May 8th, 2018. The intent of these <br />meetings was to inform bidders of the project details, including the City’s Local Inclusion <br />Ordinance and the CWA. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/10/2018