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For Fiscal Year 2026/2027 and thereafter, the amount of the maximum assessment shall <br />be increased each year using the same formula used above. <br />An additional levy of up to $105.32/year/single-family detached unit and <br />$70.22/year/motor court unit is assessed when the reserve fund needs replenishment. <br />The Reserve Fund is fully funded and no levy will be required to replenish it this fiscal <br />year. <br />The Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Assessment Rates are based on a percentage of the <br />Maximum Allowable Assessment. The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining <br />the District improvements for the Fiscal Year shall be determined (Total Costs). Any <br />surpluses or deficits from the previous Fiscal Year shall be identified and applied as a <br />credit or debit to the district. This credit or debit along with revenues from other sources <br />such as interest earnings or General Fund contributions shall be applied to the "Total Cost" <br />to determine the net amount to be raised by assessment (Required Assessment). The <br />percentage of Maximum Allowable Assessment (Percent of Maximum) is determined by <br />dividing the Required Assessment by the Maximum Allowable Assessment (Maximum <br />Assessment). The Maximum Assessment per Single Family Detached and Motor Court <br />Units shall be determined by multiplying the Percentage of Maximum by their respective <br />Maximum Assessment Rate per parcel based on Land Use to determine the cost to be <br />assessed per lot or unit (2018/2019 Assessment Rate). <br />The following formulas are used to calculate each property's assessment: <br />Total Required Assessment / Maximum Assessment = Percentage of Maximum Levy <br />Percentage of Maximum Levy X Maximum Assessment Rate = Applied Assessment Rate <br />Lot or Unit X Applied Assessment Rate = Parcel Levy Amount <br />Fiscal Year 2018/2019 applied assessments are to be levied at 93.32% of Maximum. The <br />total Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Assessment has increased by approximately $7,177.80 from <br />the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Assessment. <br />The table below summarizes the current year maximum and applied assessments and <br />rates: <br />'Alameda County requires that assessments placed on the tax roll be divisible by two. <br />City of San Leandro Heron Bay Maintenance Assessment District No. 96-3 Page 11 <br />