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2. The Marina Boulevard/Interstate 880 Interchange Traffic Impact Fee is calculated for the <br />project using the rate of $698.86 per residential unit, for a total of $40,533.88. This fee <br />includes a credit for the existing four unit residential building, and shall be due at building <br />permit issuance. These fees are subject to change on July 1 of each year and are not vested <br />until building permit issuance. <br />3. The Park Land Acquisition and Improvement fees is calculated for the project using the <br />rate of $15,727.00 per multi -family residential unit, for a total of $912,166.00. This fee <br />includes a credit for the existing four unit residential building. The Applicant has the <br />option to pay only the Park Improvement fee and dedicate land to the City for use as a <br />Public Park. Using this option, the Park Improvement fee is due in the amount of <br />$125,860.00, and the required park land dedication is 0.42 acres. These fees shall be due <br />at building permit issuance. These fees are subject to change on July 1 of each year and <br />are not vested until building permit issuance. <br />4. The Applicant shall pay an in -lieu fee for undergrounding of utilities along Parrott Street, <br />per the City's Underground Utility District Master Plan, adopted September 16, 1985, <br />amended April 20, 1992. The fee is estimated to be in the amount of$42,835.73, which is <br />calculated using the residential unit rate of $1,488.09 per unit and pro -rated for <br />approximately 130 feet of frontage along Parrott Street. This fee shall be due at the time of <br />building permit issuance. This fee is subject to change on July 1 of each year. <br />VI. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REQUIREMENTS <br />A. If the building is going to install a standby electrical generator or a fire pump with an <br />attached fuel tank, that storage tank shall comply with all requirements of the 2016 <br />California Fire Code. <br />B. The storage of hazardous materials in quantities equal to or greater than 55 gallons, 200 <br />cubic feet or 500 pounds requires submittal of a Hazardous Materials Business Plan <br />(HMBP). HMBP submittal shall be completed via the California Environmental <br />Reporting System (CERS) online database. An HMBP shall be submitted prior to <br />issuance of a certificate of occupancy or placement of the registerable chemicals on to <br />the site, whichever occurs first. The plan is subject to the review and approval of <br />Environmental Services. <br />C. Generation of any amount of hazardous waste requires notification via the CERS online <br />database and may require hazardous material inventories also on CERS. <br />D. The elimination of exposure of materials, processes or equipment to the maximum extent <br />practicable shall be required to prevent contamination of rainwater. Exposures that <br />cannot be eliminated shall require use of Best Management Practices (BMPs), both <br />engineered and administrative, to prevent remaining exposures from impacting rainwater <br />runoff. <br />E. The discharge of anything other than rainwater to the storm water collection system, <br />including area drains, sidewalks, parking areas, street curb or gutter, is strictly prohibited. <br />Agreement to Conditions January 19, 2018 <br />PLN 17-0061 Page 9 of 13 <br />