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the intended use; or an occupancy permit has been issued; or the approval is renewed, as <br />provided in Section 5-2218.E. Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 5-2218.E. upon written <br />request the approval may be renewed by the Zoning Enforcement Official for one (1) <br />year, with one additional (1) one-year renewal allowed for a total period not to exceed <br />two (2) years without notice or public hearing if the findings required by Section 2-580.H. <br />remain valid. Application for renewal shall be made in writing to the Community <br />Development Director not less than 30 days or more than 120 days prior to expiration of <br />the Site Plan Review approval. Denial of a request for renewal of the Project approval <br />may be appealed. <br />II. 'PERMITTED USE <br />A. This Site Plan Review approval permits construction of a 62 -unit multi -family residential <br />building that includes 22 studio units, 22 one -bedroom units and 18 two-bedroom units, <br />at 1604 and 1642 San Leandro Boulevard (southeast corner of San Leandro Boulevard <br />and Parrott Street). The proposed new building would be four-story construction above <br />a parking level that would contain 31 parking spaces. Assessor's Parcel Numbers 75-28- <br />1-2 and 75-28-11-2. <br />B. No application for amendment of the application or Conditions of Approval may be <br />submitted or accepted for processing by the city unless (i) there is full compliance with <br />all other legally binding documents regulating development on the property; and (ii) there <br />is full compliance with all terms of the application and Conditions of Approval, or (iii) <br />the Community Development Director has waived compliance with the terms of the <br />application because they are minor in content. <br />C. Construction of the project shall remain in substantial compliance with the approved <br />exhibits and plans. The Zoning Enforcement Official may approve changes to approved <br />plans or in conditions of approval without a public hearing upon determining that the <br />changes in conditions are minor and are consistent with the intent of the original <br />approval. Revisions involving substantial changes in project design or conditions of <br />approval shall be treated as new applications, to be reviewed as a new project. <br />III. ADDITIONAL PLAN SUBMITTALS <br />A. Prior to issuance of building permits, applicant shall submit a checklist showing that the <br />project meets the minimum green building rating for a residential buildings, according to <br />the most current GreenPoint Rated for Newly -Constructed Residential Buildings, or <br />equivalent green building rating system as adopted by the City of San Leandro at the time <br />of submittal for building permits. Features indicated on said checklist shall be <br />incorporated into building permit plans. <br />B. Prior to issuance of building permits, all building plans and specifications shall be <br />submitted for review and approval to the Zoning Enforcement Official to ensure the <br />quality of the exterior design. Said plans and specifications shall indicate the exact type <br />of stucco, windows and framing, front doors, door and window trim, deck and porch <br />railings, garage door, solid waste/recycling room door, and light fixtures to ensure that <br />the new building's exterior materials and finishes meet the standards illustrated in the <br />Agreement to Conditions January 19, 2018 <br />PLN 17-0061 Page 4 of 13 <br />