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Jill 111 11 11 �11 I , I �Wll <br />A. General Conditions of Approval: <br />1. The project is proposed to occur over two existing parcels. The Applicant shall merge the <br />two parcels through a Lot Line Adjustment/Lot Merger application with the Engineering <br />and Transportation Department. The application can be found at the following link: <br />hLtp /,�yww.sanleand ,QTI <br />_sLL _ V( <br />red �,ivjcax/fileb�itik/blobdloa( ?blobid=3617. <br />------------------ --------------- <br />B. Storm Drainage Conditions of Approval: <br />The parking garage does not appear to have any overland release in case of wind driven <br />rain enters the garage, or an emergency event such as flooding. Building permit plans shall <br />either lower the elevation at the garage door or raise the floor elevation of the garage to <br />allow any water that enters the garage space to gravity flow out to Parrott Street. <br />2. The storm drainage pipe proposed across Parrott Street, from the catch basin immediately <br />north of the project site to the catch basin on the north side of Parrott Street, shall be Class <br />IV RCP due to shallow bury depth. The storm drainage pipe from the catch basin on the <br />north side of Parrott Street to the proposed new manhole at the comer of Parrott Street and <br />San Leandro Boulevard shall be Class III RCP. <br />C. Clean Water Program Conditions of Approval: <br />Because the project creates or replaces more than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface, <br />it is considered a Regulated Project according to Provision C.3.b of the San Francisco Bay <br />Region Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (Order No. R2-2015-0049, <br />NPDES PermitNo. CAS612008, adopted 11/19/2015). All requirements of the Stormwater <br />Requirements Checklist (Reference 6 above) shall be followed prior to issuance of a <br />Grading and/or Building Permit. <br />2. The Applicant shall provide an Operations and Maintenance Agreement (O&M) for the <br />storm drain media filter prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. <br />All proposed storm drain onsite and offsite inlets shall be marked "NO DUMPING, <br />DRAINS TO BAY" as per the City of San Leandro Standard Plan Dwg. No. 204. All <br />proposed storm drain inlets that are not within bioretention areas shall have "United Storm <br />Water" or equivalent trash capture devices. <br />4. The applicant shall reduce storm water pollution by implementing the following pollution <br />source control measures: <br />a) Structures shall be designed to discourage the occurrence and entry of pests into <br />buildings, thus minimizing the need for pesticides. The trash area shall be separated <br />from the rest of the building by concrete or masonry walls so that pests that gain access <br />to the area are less likely to access the rest of the building. <br />b) All storm drains shall be marked "NO DUMPING, DRAINS TO BAY" <br />Agreement to Conditions January 19, 2018 <br />PLN 17-0061 Page 6 of 13 <br />