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File Number: 18-310 <br /> <br />1.B. Announcements <br /> None. <br />2. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A. 18-281 Staff Report for a Presentation on the Community Survey for Euclid <br />Avenue / Court One-Way Traffic Flow Reversal <br />Michael Stella presented findings from the survey for Euclid Avenue / Court One-way Traffic Flow <br />Reversal. The proposal could relieve traffic congestion in the morning, decrease or prevent <br />conflicts during student drop-off and pick-up periods, and reduce speeding in the area. <br />The Committee considered historical information, traffic related issues today, safety concerns <br />related to drop-offs during school hours at Washington Elementary School, traffic cut through on <br />Dutton Avenue, and parking issues in the neighborhood. <br />The Committee originally asked staff to consider traffic flow reversal due to AC Transit installation <br />of a traffic signal at the intersection of E.14th Street and Euclid Avenue as part of Bus Rapid <br />Transit project, including: <br />·Potential need for traffic calming features <br />·Effort to consider pedestrian safety <br />·Proposal on new student drop off pick-up sidewalk <br />Committee Requests/Direction to Staff: <br />Based on Question 5 on the survey, the Committee recommended relocating the fence (4 feet) at <br />the Washington Elementary School drop-off area to provide a sidewalk. <br />The Committee concluded that access to and from AT&T’s parking lot would need to be <br />mitigated if there was a proposed reversal, because AT&T service vehicles could not access the <br />parking without affecting residents all hours. <br />Committee would like to continue to review concerns on pedestrian safety and provide sidewalk <br />or ADA access recommendation to the School District. No recommendation at this time; Mayor <br />will have an opportunity to review the results from survey, provide recommendations and review <br />options available. <br />2.B. 18-263 Staff Update on Capital Improvement Projects <br />Keith Cooke provided CIP updates to the Committee. <br />Bids opening in June: <br />·Street Overlay Rehabilitation 16-17 -Phase 2 <br />·Street Overlay Rehabilitation 17-18 <br />·Pedestrian Crossing Improvements <br />·Street Sealing 17-18 <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/28/2018 <br />32