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File Number: 18-377 <br />the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department and the San Mateo County Harbor District. Grant <br />funds expended and reimbursed totaled $73,041.24. (Summary Table attached) <br />Due to the fact that no monies have been identified for on-going dredging operations and siltation <br />continues to accumulate within the harbor, and with the Marina Decommissioning project <br />scheduled for next fiscal year, it is anticipated that many boats will be abandoned or submitted to <br />the City for the vessel turn-in program over the next two years. The City does not have the funds in <br />the budget to pay for destruction and disposal of vessels. <br />The City applied for a $170,000 SAVE-18 grant for 2018-19and 2019-20 on April 30, 2018, <br />based on previous grant use and expected need over the next few years. On July 30, 2018 the <br />State approved a $170,000 SAVE-18 grant and the grant agreement documents were received <br />for review by staff and approval by the City Council. <br />Analysis <br />Under California Harbors and Navigation Code §527, a 10% local matching contribution is <br />required for the Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange Grant. At the discretion of the <br />State Department of Boating and Waterways, the City’s contribution may be rendered in cash, or <br />through in-kind contributions that must be verified and approved. The local matching contribution <br />could include, but is not limited to, administrative costs, personnel hours, and removal and/or <br />storage costs. For this grant, the City will contribute the 10% local matching contribution in <br />administrative costs and personnel hours to oversee the contracts and prepare the watercraft for <br />towing, removal, and disposal. <br />If the grant is not approved the Shoreline Fund will bear the cost without reimbursement. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·General Plan, Chapter 3.3H. San Leandro Marina <br />·General Plan, Goal 9 <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney reviewed the grant agreement and approved it as to form. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE-18) grant is a sum not to exceed <br />$170,000.00 submitted to the City of San Leandro via reimbursement. Ten percent matching <br />contribution is required and the City intends to make the match through administrative costs and <br />personnel hours. <br />Budget Authority <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/28/2018 <br />76