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File Number: 18-325 <br />This contract included installation of rubberized pavement on Teagarden Street between <br />Alvarado Street and 1000 ft. north of Alvarado Street. The performance of this material will be <br />evaluated over the next few years and if found acceptable, the material will be incorporated into <br />future projects. Rubberized pavement involves adding rubber crumbs, obtained from recycled <br />tires that would have been dumped in landfill, to asphalt concrete during manufacturing. Records <br />submitted by the contractor indicated that 22,983 Ibs of rubber crumbs were used on this project, <br />resulting in diversion of an equivalent of 1,915 passenger tires from landfill. In March 2016, the <br />California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) awarded grant funds <br />to the City for the cost differential between conventional asphalt concrete and rubberized asphalt <br />concrete used on the job. <br />The contract also installed six new speed cushions on Castro Street and 136th Avenue at <br />locations requested and approved by a majority of the residents as part of the 2015-16 <br />Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program. <br />Analysis <br />Construction is now complete and was performed in compliance with the contract documents. <br />This contract was performed under the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA), which <br />established the Alameda County Building and Construction Trades Council and its affiliated labor <br />unions as the sole bargaining representative of all persons working on City construction projects <br />valued above $1,000,000. The CWA sets a goal of 30% participation by San Leandro residents <br />and if no San Leandro residents are available, then Alameda County residents. Contractors are <br />required to make good faith efforts to reach this goal through the utilization of the Unions' hiring <br />hall procedures. The agreement also requires the contractor to hire one San Leandro resident, or <br />if not available, an Alameda County resident, as a new apprentice for the first $1 million of the bid <br />amount. <br />The contractor on this project accomplished the following towards meeting the CWA’s Local Hire <br />goals: <br />Local Total San San Alameda Alameda <br />Hire Goal Hours Leandro Leandro County County <br />Worked Resident Resident Resident Resident <br />Hours (%)Hours (%) <br />Journeyman 30%6932.5 574 8.3% 2915 42% <br />Apprentice 10%6932.5 0 0% 653 13.4% <br />Although the contractor did not achieve the goal of San Leandro residents performing 30% of the <br />total 6,933 hours, it was not due to their inaction. DeSilva Gates made good faith efforts to reach <br />this goal through the utilization of union hiring hall procedures to request journeyman and <br />apprentice level San Leandro resident workers. Robust economic conditions and their effects on <br />the labor market severely limited the contractor’s ability to hire local residents to work on this <br />project. However, in seeking to hire residents of Alameda County, the contractor met both the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/28/2018 <br />146