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Procurement Contract No. 16383 <br />4. PREVAILING WAGES: Pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq., <br />CONTRACTOR shall pay to persons performing labor in and about Work provided <br />for in Contract not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work <br />of a similar character in the locality in which the Work is performed, and not less <br />than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime <br />work in said locality, which per diem wages shall not be less than the stipulated <br />rates contained in a schedule thereof which has been ascertained and determined by <br />the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations to be the general <br />prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman or mechanic <br />needed to execute this contract. <br />5. WORKERS' COMPENSATION: CONTRACTOR shall provide Workers' <br />Compensation insurance, as applicable, at CONTRACTOR's own cost and <br />expense and further, neither the CONTRACTOR nor its carrier shall be entitled to <br />recover from COUNTY any costs, settlements, or expenses of Workers' <br />Compensation claims arising out of this Agreement. <br />6. CONFORMITY WITH LAW AND SAFETY: <br />a. In performing services under this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall <br />observe and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes and <br />regulations of governmental agencies, including federal, state, municipal, <br />and local governing bodies, having jurisdiction over the scope of services, <br />including all applicable provisions of the California Occupational Safety <br />and Health Act. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold COUNTY <br />harmless from any and all liability, fines, penalties and consequences from <br />any of CONTRACTOR's failures to comply with such laws, ordinances, <br />codes and regulations. <br />b. Accidents: If a death, serious personal injury, or substantial property <br />damage occurs in connection with CONTRACTOR's performance of this <br />Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify the Alameda County <br />Risk Manager's Office by telephone. CONTRACTOR shall promptly <br />submit to COUNTY a written report, in such form as may be required by <br />COUNTY of all accidents which occur in connection with this Agreement. <br />This report must include the following information: (1) name and address <br />of the injured or deceased person(s); (2) name and address of <br />CONTRACTOR's sub -Contractor, if any; (3) name and address of <br />CONTRACTOR's liability insurance carrier; and (4) a detailed description <br />of the accident and whether any of COUNTY's equipment, tools, material, <br />or staff were involved. <br />C. CONTRACTOR further agrees to take all reasonable steps to preserve all <br />physical evidence and information which may be relevant to the <br />Page 6 of 17 <br />