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File Number: 18-432 <br />ANALYSIS <br />Similar to the last two fiscal years, this year’s CAPER document was prepared using HUD’s <br />required online format and includes an assessment of the progress towards achieving the <br />five-year goals and objectives, an evaluation of annual performance, and a financial summary. <br />Various HUD reports are included that provide information on the number of people served with <br />each project, and by categories such as race and income. Below is a summary of some of the <br />City’s notable activities and outcomes described in the FY 2017-2018 CAPER that highlights the <br />City’s accomplishments in the third completed year of its FY 2015-2019 HUD Consolidated Plan. <br />Objective: Provide Decent Housing <br />Priority/Action: Affordable Housing Needs/Preserve existing affordable rental and <br />ownership housing for households at or below 80% Area Median Income. <br />Housing Rehabilitation Program: In FY 2017-2018, the City contracted with Rebuilding <br />Together Oakland/East Bay, the new service provider for San Leandro’s housing rehabilitation <br />program. The Housing Rehabilitation Program’s goals are to make homes safe and livable for <br />low-income homeowners, preserve existing affordable ownership housing for low and moderate <br />income households, and allow seniors to age in place by providing grants to repair or rehabilitate <br />houses and/or house systems, if so desired. Rebuilding Together Oakland / East Bay was <br />approved by the City Council in spring 2017 to provide this service. <br />During the new contract’s ramp up, one housing rehabilitation grant was allocated for a <br />low-income senior citizen in need of a new roof due to extreme deterioration. City Housing staff <br />has been working with RT Oakland / East Bay to ensure that the existing pipeline of grant <br />applications are processed and work completed in FY 2018-19. <br />Objective: Provide a Suitable Living Environment <br />Priority/Action: Affordable Housing Needs/Reduce housing discrimination. <br />Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity Housing (ECHO Housing): In FY 2017-2018, the <br />City contracted with ECHO Housing, a regional non-profit fair housing agency, to provide fair <br />housing services in an effort to reduce housing discrimination. ECHO Housing received 1 fair <br />housing inquiry and 29 fair housing complaints involving 54 clients. ECHO Housing provided <br />information, counseling, and/or investigation into fair housing inquiries or allegations of housing <br />discrimination. ECHO Housing also provided education on fair housing laws, rights, and <br />responsibilities through workshops, trainings, and presentations. The City allocates CDBG <br />general administration funds, not public services funds, to ECHO Housing's fair housing services. <br />Priority/Action: Community Development Needs -- Public Services/Provide Grants to <br />non-profit social service providers serving San Leandro residents. <br />Davis Street Family Resource Center: Davis Street’s Family Support Services Program <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/11/2018