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Page 3 of 6 <br /> <br />(9) the contract shall be binding upon, and shall inure to the benefit of, all successors in <br />interest to the property owner; <br />(10) if a landowner cancels a contract, the county shall assess a cancellation fee <br />pursuant to Section ________; <br />(11) the Board of Supervisors may cancel the contract, or seek enforcement of the <br />contract in accordance with the cancellation provisions of Section_______; and <br />(12) The property owner shall provide indemnification of the County for, and agreement to <br />hold the County harmless from, any claims arising from any use of the property. <br /> <br />D. A contract entered into pursuant to this chapter shall not prohibit the use of structures that <br />support agricultural activity, including, but not limited to, toolsheds, greenhouses, produce <br />stands, and instructional space consistent with Sections 17.52.180 – 17.52.400 of the <br />County General Code. <br /> <br />E. In accordance with the intent of this ordinance to benefit the public through the promotion of <br />urban agriculture and improved accessibility to fresh locally grown produce, a contract <br />entered into pursuant to this chapter shall require that the site be periodically open to <br />members of the public other than the property owner or operator and their immediate <br />families through any of the following: <br /> <br />(1) agricultural education or outreach on site such as classes, workshops, or visits by <br />school groups; <br />(2) periodic distribution of agricultural products such as produce, flowers, eggs, or honey <br />produced on site, via donation or sales; or <br />(3) the site is managed as a community garden that has hours when the site is open to <br />the general public. <br /> <br />F. The Planning Department shall maintain a standard form "Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones <br />Contract" containing all required provisions specified by this chapter and state law. <br /> <br />G. Property subject to a contract entered into pursuant to this chapter shall be assessed <br />pursuant to Section 422.7 of the Revenue and Taxation Code during the term of the <br />contract. <br /> __.__.___ – Application for a Contract <br /> <br />A. An owner, or an authorized agent of the owner, of an eligible urban agriculture incentive <br />zone property may apply for an urban agriculture incentive zone contract. The application for <br />a contract shall be submitted to the Planning Director on forms provided by the Planning <br />Director. The application shall include, at a minimum: <br /> <br />(1) the address and location of the property; <br />(2) evidence that the property is an eligible urban agriculture incentive zone property as <br />defined in Subsection _____________; <br />(3) a description of the intended agricultural use of the property including current and <br />proposed site plans and a development schedule for the property; and <br />(4) the name of the party or organization who will carry out the agricultural activities if <br />different from the property owner <br /> <br />B. The annual deadline to submit an application for a contract to the Planning Director is <br />October 2.