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<br /> 8 | P a g e <br />City of San Leandro, CA <br />Fiber Master Plan <br />and productivity of new technologies. With the emergence of Smart City2 applications and <br />a digitally-focused lifestyle, the City of San Leandro will play a key role in maintaining a <br />high quality of life by providing municipal services that are streamlined and customized to <br />the needs of its community. <br /> <br />MEETING THE NEEDS OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />To understand the broadband needs of <br />the City of San Leandro, Magellan Advisors <br />and the City’s team hosted online business <br />and residential surveys throughout the fall <br />of 2017. These surveys asked a variety of <br />questions to assess the local broadband <br />market, satisfaction, cost and speeds. <br />Additionally, Magellan’s team conducted <br />face to face interviews with key members <br />of each department of San Leandro’s city <br />government and anchor institutions to <br />grasp some of the capabilities and needs <br />of municipal operations. <br /> <br />Our findings indicate that although <br />satisfaction with internet services in San <br />Leandro is neither overwhelmingly positive <br />nor negative, businesses, residents, and municipal entities all expressed strong support for a municipally owned network <br />that could offer high speeds at reasonable costs. Many residents indicated frustration <br />with cost and service among current providers, while many businesses (approximately <br />27%) expressed dissatisfaction with overall service (accounting for speed, cost, and <br />availability)4. <br /> <br />While the LSL network has connected up to 300 businesses in the area, only around 19% <br />of the businesses that completed the survey stated that they were connected to LSL. <br />Many of them were unaware of the network’s offerings or stated that the service was too <br />expensive. Among residents, the City has also identified a “digital divide,” in which a large <br />number (22.4%) of households do not have access to residential internet service in their <br />home. Although some of these residents may have chosen to opt out of home internet <br />service and many others may rely solely on smartphones with data plans, it is likely that <br />for many of them, broadband internet service is simply not affordable. <br /> <br /> <br />2 Smart City refers to the secure use of communication and information technology to manage City assets, and <br />enable connection of growing array of smart devices in the “Internet of Things”. <br />3 Full sized network maps can be found in Appendix A. <br />4 See Section 4, Needs Assessment, for detailed findings of these surveys. <br />Figure 2. San Leandro’s Current Fiber Network3