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<br /> 11 | P a g e <br />City of San Leandro, CA <br />Fiber Master Plan <br />phased approach to expanding and building the network is the best method for meeting <br />the needs expressed above. The City should first capitalize on the need to enhance the <br />City’s current shared Lit San Leandro network and assets. <br /> <br />Phase 1 of the proposed business model includes continuing to capitalize on the existing <br />network assets currently managed by Lit San Leandro, and to further develop the City’s <br />own fiber strands in enabling Smart City solutions. Lit San Leandro has a core network <br />(see Figure 4 - Phase 1 map below) that covers a large part of the City. The City offered <br />Lit San Leandro their exiting conduit for Lit San Leandro to populate with their own fiber <br />thereby enabling them to offer broadband services to the business community. When the <br />existing conduit was populated, 10% of strands of fiber were reserved for the City to use <br />for their own purposes. (Given Lit San Leandro pulled a 288-count fiber strand bundle, <br />this translates into 28.8 strands, which was rounded up to 30. The City in turn dedicated <br />10 strands for public benefit and has donated those to the San Leandro Unified School <br />District to connect all of its facilities, which was completed in 2015). The remaining strands <br />could be used by the City to continue the implementation of government innovation and <br />Smart City solutions. <br /> <br />Three fourths of the cost of building <br />a network in a community such as <br />San Leandro would be in putting the <br />fiber assets in the ground, namely <br />the conduit. Once the conduit is in <br />place, the cost to populate it with <br />fiber is reduced by about one fourth. <br />Lit San Leandro should continue to <br />be encouraged to look for additional <br />products and services to offer the <br />business community and anchor <br />institutions that will further fulfill the <br />initial vision of being an economic <br />engine within the City. Both the City <br />and Lit San Leandro need to <br />capitalize on the past efforts of the <br />City (putting in conduit) to help drive <br />affordable broadband adoption. <br /> <br />Phase 2 of the network consists of populating fiber in current empty conduit and extending <br />the network through construction of new conduit and fiber. The current fiber network <br />would be supplemented by populating unused conduit with fiber and expanding upon the <br />network’s current footprint. The resultant network is shown in Figure 5. <br /> <br /> <br />Figure 4. Lit San Leandro – Phase I