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<br /> 16 | P a g e <br />City of San Leandro, CA <br />Fiber Master Plan <br />SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS TO ENHANCE BROADBAND SERVICES <br /> <br />Recommendation #1: Develop Fiber-Friendly Public Policies <br />Recommendation #2: Enhance Data Center and Network Interconnects Recommendation #3: Work with Community Anchor Institutions on meeting their <br />broadband needs <br />Recommendation #4: Identify Additional Community Uses (Smart City) <br />Recommendation #5: Formalize an internal Broadband Infrastructure Program (BIP) – <br />Led by City Staff To Oversee the Business Plan and Program to <br />Make Use of Broadband Assets Recommendation #6: Release RFPs for Construction and Operations <br />Recommendation #7: Incorporate broadband governance strategies into the daily <br />operations of all City departments and work with local and <br />regional public agencies and private investors, especially for dig <br />once and joint trench, leveraging streetlight poles for in-kind fiber <br />swaps during small cell lease negotiations, during development <br />review committee meetings, capital project budget <br />considerations and during development agreement negotiations <br /> <br />ROADMAP AND ACTION PLAN <br /> <br />Implementation of the Broadband Infrastructure Program through completion of the <br />following tasks: Primarily for Phase 2 <br /> <br />Task 1. Document and maintain an inventory of available assets <br />Task 2. Implement a fiber management system <br />Task 3. Develop and standardize agreements for fiber and conduit leasing <br />Task 4. Develop pricing policies for fiber and conduit leasing <br />Task 5. Publish rates and terms <br />Task 6. Create a city enterprise fund to maintain proper budgets, cost accounting, <br />and track revenues generated by the program <br />Task 7. Develop an RFP and competitively bid for a design/build contractor for <br />outside-plant (OSP) O&M <br />Task 8. Decide on management structure <br />Task 9. Develop an RFP for contractual services or a public-private partnership for <br />marketing and managing the network and services <br />Task 10. Expand fiber segments in business districts and corridors <br />Task 11. Deploy and implement Smart City equipment and services that can be <br />supported by each phase of network expansion <br /> <br />