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The primary assumptions used to estimate the two phases include: <br />To help build and fund the ongoing operations of the network, the City needs to generate <br />reoccurring revenue through the lease of services on its network to others. The leasing <br />of services at competitive rates will help provide ongoing capital to affordably maintain <br />and operate the network over time. The City should provide services to existing and new <br />ISP's at a wholesale rate, who in turn will provide broadband to the business community. <br />Due to the construction costs of the lateral connections from the network into the <br />properties, we do not anticipate this network to reach all businesses within the City of San <br />Leandro; typically, those that are within 500 feet of the core network are able to be <br />connected. Expanding the network to those outside of the 500 -foot buffer can be <br />considered on a case-by-case basis. <br />The model also assumes the leasing of vertical assets such as streetlight poles for 5G - <br />enabling small cell attachments to wireless carriers on an annual basis. Some carriers <br />will need only to lease vertical assets, while others will also ask for fiber backhaul services <br />from those streetlights, which this Phase of the network is designed to provide. <br />13 1 P <br />City of San Leandro, CA <br />Fiber Master Plan <br />