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San Leandro's commitment to its broadband future has already had far reaching impacts <br />on area schools, non -profits and municipal services. This Fiber Optic Master Plan is <br />designed to allow the City to take this commitment further, leading the way for enhanced <br />services that will benefit San Leandro for years to come. <br />BROADBAND PLANNING GUIDING PRINCIPLES <br />Cities implementing a strategy for the deployment of broadband and smart city solutions <br />should consider a few simple guidelines that cannot be overstated if the plan is to be <br />successful. These guiding principles include: <br />• Long-term Perspective. The City shall have a long-term view for the deployment <br />of their broadband network and smart city strategy. It often takes many years to <br />see the vision deployed. A 10 -12 -year scope is not unusual for these projects. The <br />City of San Leandro does have a head -start in this process with its existing network <br />assets. <br />• Leadership Commitment. Support from the City Council and City Mayor are <br />necessary to champion the plan. To deploy day-to-day strategies, a Broadband <br />Infrastructure Program (BIP) managed by City staff will ensure successful <br />implementation. Under the leadership of the City's management team, the ability <br />to mitigate challenges and risks over time will help ensure the successful <br />implementation of the Plan throughout the City. The City should continue <br />collaborations with region partners to further these efforts. <br />• Shared and Collaborative Vision. The City shall have an engaged group of <br />interested shareholders that support and share the vision of the project both in <br />terms of political influence as well as with financial means. The plan will require <br />perseverance and foresight. Key stakeholders to engage should include: <br />departments within the City, local businesses, anchor institutions, hospitals and <br />healthcare providers, current telecommunications providers, schools and libraries, <br />public safety organizations and community organizations. <br />• Utility -oriented Cultural Shift. The City shall develop a new cultural shift within <br />all divisions of the City and throughout the community that demonstrates <br />broadband is another important utility, just like sewer, water and electricity, and <br />that as such, broadband and the deployment of broadband should be visible in all <br />aspects of budgeting, planning, construction processes and operations, not just an <br />afterthought. <br />• Incremental Approach. The Plan shall be implemented in an incremental, but not <br />ad hoc fashion; identifying opportunities to build in conjunction with other capital <br />projects such as road construction, connecting traffic signals or when replacing <br />water mains. This is a practice that has been successfully implemented by cities <br />6 1 P <br />City of San Leandro, CA <br />Fiber Master Plan <br />