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8. Paving Plan. Details for the proposed paved driveway and parking pad in the rcurdiuU <br />be included uUdhnu permit |ica1bx+_� <br />A. On -Site Lighting. On-site lighting ohu| be LED or other energy -conserving lighting <br />arid shall be designed and located mousto not inicdeno with traffic on od\oocn\oUcetu <br />arid so as not to shine on m6ucuuL |� <br />us, d�1ui|a succito the approvalo[Uhc City <br />rund the CornnnuniLy Development Director. /\8cr installation, the ConomLill ity <br />Development Director reserves the right to require ucUuu|nnun1 of light hx\urca to <br />comply with this requirement prior !oapproval ofOccupancy. <br />General Conditions <br />M 1)ursuant to (iovernment Code Section 66020, including Section 66020 (d) (1), the City <br />UEK�8Y /4(/[|P|C8 the applicant for this ProJuo that the 40-Jnv approval period (in <br />which the applicanii-rayprotestthe impooitinnofany fees. dedications, reservations, or <br />udherc-AootionsinupoaedouthisPrncct6vbhcu*(_'.ondi(ionso[/\pprmvu|)p/iUbcginon <br />the date n[dhoconditional ofUbiuProject. |[dbeapplicant fails |ofile oprotest <br />within this 90-duyperiod. complying with all ofUbc requirements o[Oovcrnnncn|Code <br />Section 66020, the applicant will be |cgo||y barred Omm later challenging any ouoh |�Ccy, <br />dedications, reservations orother exactions. <br />| (. The proposed development shall comply with City ordinances, policies arid oc&u|a1iouy. <br />All innprmvcmcnis shall be in accordance with the City's Design Standards, <br />SpeciUcudons arid Standard Muna unless oihcovixu specifically approved by the <br />Principal [n�inocr. <br />Site Planning Conditions <br />12. Sanitary Sewer Pipe. The City will inspect any dof'eob in this sanitary xcwcr segment <br />onPacific Avenue arid KUmnew lateral connection hthe sanitary Sewer nnuinline will <br />cause any x(ruutood darnage, the applicant uhd| rcp|uoc the main pipeline hnro Joint\m <br />,joint uapart o[dhio project priork`making the sewer lateral connection. <br />13. Underground Utilities. The applicant shall locate all new electric arid corn Ill Lill iCa ions <br />utilities serving the si<c underground. Building, Permit plan aho|\ add u note or show the <br />same on plans. <br />14. S&orro»vab:rSite Design. The site is considered as small proJect per /\|omu\uCounty <br />C3 31onnua1crTechnico| Guidance. As per Appendix L ^^Si!o Design Reguircmcnto <br />l'Or Small Frojects", the p�,(�ject Must irnplCITICht al. least, one oi'the 6ollowing site design <br />nneuyuon: <br />a- Direct roof' runo[[in{ocisterns o,rain barrels for use. <br />b. Direct roofnuno|Tonk`vegetated areas. <br />o. Dirociruno[fDnrn sidtvvo\ks, vvu|kvvuys` and/or patios onto vegetated areas. <br />d. Direct 11111OFff-orn driveways/uncovered parking lots onto vegetated areas. <br />C. (_'1.Ol1SlTUCt sidewalks, wall,�ways, and/or patios with permeable SUL'Taces. <br />[ C/onxUnut Hko, !uueo. Jtivcwuyu and/or uncovcud parking |uh with permeable <br />^uro|o�s. <br />Conditions ofApproval August 8.2O1O <br />PLW17-006512GOPacific Avenue Page 2of5 <br />