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Impact Fees <br />Please note that this is an estimated amount. These fees are subject to change at the start <br />of each fiscal year and will not be vested until issuance of building permit. <br />17. Street Improvements. A Development Fee for Street Improvements (DFSI) shall be <br />assessed for the proposed one additional dwelling unit approximately in the arnount of <br />$1,437.92 which is calculated at $11,437.92 per housing unit and shall be paid prior to <br />issuance of the building permit. These fees are subject to change each fiscal year and <br />shall not be vested until issuance of building permit. <br />18. Marina/I-880. A one-time Marina Boulevard/Interstate 880 Traffic Impact Fee shall be <br />assessed approximately in the amount of $723.25, and is due at the time of permit <br />issuance. This fee is subject to change at the beginning of each fiscal year. <br />19. Park Impact Fee. A Park Facilities Development Impact Fee shall be assessed <br />assuming 1 additional dwelling unit (du) will be added to the property as follows: <br />Park Land Acquisition Fee: <br />$14,126.00/du <br />Park Improvement Fee: <br />$2,279.00/du <br />Total Park Impact Fee: <br />$16,405.00/du <br />V. FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />Review of Planning referrals are usually based on information and plans that lack <br />sufficient information and details for specific comments. The primary focus of our review <br />is to assure fire access to the site. Specific fire and building code issues will be addressed <br />during the regular building permit submittal and review process. <br />20. Fire Protection System. Provide an NFPA 13D system throughout the building. <br />21. Carbon Monoxide Detectors. Provide Carbon monoxide detectors. <br />22. Smoke Alarms. Provide Smoke Alarms. <br />23. Monument Sign. Provide a monument at the street indicated the additional address. <br />VI. CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS <br />24. Construction Hours. Construction on the project site shall not begin prior to 7:00 am <br />Monday through Friday, and prior to 8 am on Saturday and Sunday, and shall cease by <br />7:00 pm each evening, unless otherwise approved by the Chief Building Official. There <br />shall be no construction on Federal holidays. Interior construction shall be permitted <br />outside the above hours provided that construction noise shall not be detectable outside <br />of the structures being built. <br />25. Construction Activity. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise or safety <br />hazards for adjacent residents and properties. Dirt and mud shall not be tracked onto <br />Clarke Street from the project site during construction. <br />26. Pest and Vermin. Pest and vermin control shall be instituted prior to the demolition <br />and construction of the project. <br />Conditions of Approval August 6, 2018 <br />PLN17-0065 1260 Pacific Avenue Page 4 of 5 <br />