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8G Consent Calendar 2018 1001
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2018 1001
8G Consent Calendar 2018 1001
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9/25/2018 5:06:07 PM
Creation date
9/25/2018 5:06:07 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2018-125
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File Number: 18-437 <br />of the proposed Sansome Pacific mixed-use development project at the former CVS site <br />at 1188 East 14th Street, followed by a brief walking tour of Downtown San Leandro <br />showcasing other upcoming developments and new businesses, ending with a mixer at a <br />Downtown San Leandro location. <br />2.Workforce Development <br />The Chamber will create and promote programs to establish viable interest and engagement <br />within the business community and the Career Pathways classes taught at San Leandro High <br />School, including: <br />·National Manufacturing Day - November 2018. This event serves as a regional catalyst to <br />introduce students to the maker industry and educational institutions. The Chamber <br />coordinates tours of local manufacturing companies for students to learn more about the <br />manufacturing history of San Leandro. Chabot College then introduces them to <br />educational courses available in their areas of interest. <br />·Career Expo Day - March 2019. This expo is coordinated to expose local high school <br />students to companies within San Leandro. Typically, over 40 businesses participate in <br />this expo to share their knowledge and expertise, and provide career guidance to <br />students. <br />·Summer Internship Program - June/July 2019. This program includes a formal interview <br />day, an expansion of the cyclic internship, and a video to highlight and promote the <br />program and participating employers. <br />3. Business Support Services <br />The Chamber will coordinate forums, roundtable discussions, presentations, and meet-up <br />events that offer expertise that can benefit businesses, create visions for the future, <br />collaborate and connect around common issues to maintain a business ecosystem. Events <br />include: <br />·National Manufacturing Week - October 2018. The Chamber will provide the platform, <br />marketing, promotion, and support for an industry meet-up and onsite tours for National <br />Manufacturing Day on October 5. <br />·National Small Business Week 2019. The Chamber will once again host local <br />businesses for National Small Business Week. All local businesses would have access to <br />free business education seminars covering such topics as website development, <br />marketing, QuickBooks training, and more. Participating businesses would work with <br />partners, including SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) and the BBB (Better <br />Business Bureau). <br />·Meet Our Manufacturers. The Chamber will host eight small and intimate tours and <br />conversations, inviting the Mayor and City Council members to join in getting to know and <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/25/2018
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