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SCOPE OF WORK <br />1.PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The purpose of this project is to prepareengineering designs(60% complete), consult on environmental <br />permits, and complete California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review, pursuant tothe conversion of a 4.3- <br />acre wastewater storage basin adjacent to City of SanLeandro’s Water Pollution Control Plant to an integrated <br />treatment wetland, habitat enhancement, and sea level rise adaptation project. A secondary objective is to <br />develop ashoreline resiliency and tidal marsh restoration vison for the surrounding area, in the City of San <br />Leandro, Alameda County(Proposed Project). <br />Completion of this phase of the Proposed Project from between July 2018 and March 2021 will permit the City <br />of San Leandro (Grantee) to pursue implementation fundsfrom local and grant sources. The Grantee intends <br />on pursuing implementation funds in parallel with the design and permitting phases described here. Pending <br />the resultsof this project, in terms of achieving wastewater treatment and shoreline resiliency objectives, the <br />Grantee may scale this project to nearby lands and this project is anticipated to serve as a project-scale <br />implementation of a novel treatment wetland that can be applied throughout the region and state. <br />2.SCOPE OF WORK <br />2.1.Task 1: Project Management <br />Subtask 1.1SFBRA Contracting <br />The Grantee will coordinate with the San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) grant manager assigned to this <br />project (Heidi Nutters) to ensure the Granteehas prepared the requisite documents to enter into agreement <br />with the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority (SFBRA). This project work plan and accompanying <br />documents shall be used as the basis of a grant agreement and Resolution forreview by the San Leandro City <br />Council. <br />Subtask 1.2Subcontractor Selectionand Oversight <br />The Grantee shall submit subcontractor qualifications and draft contract review to SFEP and SFBRAfor review <br />and approval prior to execution. The contract shall describe the scope of work and the products expected from <br />each subcontractor. In the progress reports, the Grantee shall document all subcontractor activities, invoices, <br />deliverables completed, progress, issues and proposed resolutions. <br />Subtask 1.3Reporting and SFBRA Coordination <br />The Grantee shall submit monthly status reports to its assigned manager to ensure the SFEP and SFBRA are <br />aware of the status of the project; that changes in the work plan, schedule and budget are reported promptly; <br />and that the project is being carried out consistent with the requirements and guidelines established for the <br />Measure AA grant program. Bi-annual Progress Reports shall be prepared, including invoices, subcontractor <br />documentation, and description of overall project status and milestone performance. <br />Subtask 1.4Project Close-Out <br />Upon completion of project milestones and City Council approval of the CEQA document for this proposed <br />project, final reports and project deliverables shall be compiled to facilitate project close-out by the Grantee <br />and SFBRA, according to protocols to be determined at a later date. <br /> <br />