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5.4.Indirect Costs <br />Departments in the City of San Leandro contribute approximately 20% of their budget towards what amounts <br />to City overhead expenses. The Grantee shall not seek reimbursement for this amount but intends to reflect <br />this amount towards a matching contribution, associated with staff labor. <br />5.5.Subcontractor Costs <br />Subcontractors for this project include project management support, engineers, and technical specialists. <br />Informed estimated of subcontractor costs are reflected in Appendix A, Budget and Schedule Detail. <br />The sole confirmed subcontractor for this project is Ian Wren, who shall serve in a project management support <br />and technical consultant role. As described in Appendix A, over the 2.5 year duration of this project, <br />approximately $100k shall be designated for these capacities. The remainder of the grant award shall be used <br />for external consultants, for the preparation of engineering designs, completion of CEQA, technical surveys and <br />input (e.g. ecology, hazardous materials, air quality and cultural resources). It is estimated that at a minimum, <br />this grant will support engineering plan development to the 60% completion level, completion of CEQA <br />documentation, and preliminary permit consultation. <br />6.PLAN FOR ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />The Grantee assures that the SFBRA and Measure AA funding shall be heavily acknowledged in all signage, <br />news releases, contacts with the media, and social media/website postings associated with this project. The <br />Grantee shall work with the grant manager for this project to ensure use of appropriate logos. When the logo is <br />used in signage and written materials, the grant manager shall be provided the opportunity to review and <br />comment on materials prior to release or posting. <br />In mid-2019, the Grantee intends on posting physical signs adjacent to the Bay Trail in the vicinity of the <br />Proposed Project site. This will likely include a rendering of the project, narrative description and <br />acknowledgement of project partners. Draft versions of such signage shall be presented to the grant manager <br />and other appropriate reviewers for comment and authorization. <br /> <br />