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EXHIBIT A <br />City of San Jose, California <br />COUNCIL POLICY <br />TITLE PAGE POLICY NUMBER <br />CITY HALL SPECIAL EVENT LIGHTING 1 of 4 <br />POLICY 7-14 <br />EFFECTIVE DATE 6/20/2017 REVISED DATE <br />APPROVED BY COUNCIL ACTION 6/20/17, Item 2.17 <br />PURPOSE <br />The purpose of this policy is to establish a City Hall Special Event Lighting Program to provide <br />for temporary lighting displays at the City Hall Rotunda for private and public events and the <br />City Hall Tower as related to official City business and local, national, and world events. <br />POLICY <br />Special event lighting at City Hall should be in conformance with City Hall Rules and <br />Regulations, the City Hall Facility Use Policy, the established Fees and Charges, and consistent <br />with this policy. The Director of Public Works (or designee) is responsible for ensuring the <br />proper execution of this policy at City Hall. <br />The primary purpose of City Hall is to provide for the legislative and administrative operations <br />and programs of the City for the community. The City Hall Tower has limited public access and <br />is not intended to be utilized as a forum for free expression by the public. Lighting of the City <br />Hall Tower will only be reserved for official City business and local, national, and world events, <br />as recognized by a proclamation by the Mayor and City Council. <br />The Rotunda, as the focal point for City Hall, is used as a regular location for formal public <br />speeches, governmental ceremonies, and protocol events of the City. It is also intended to be <br />used as a gathering place for indoor events. Lighting of the Rotunda will be reserved for official <br />City business and local, national, and world events, as recognized by the Council or City <br />Manager in conformance with this policy, or in connection with a facilities rental agreement. <br />STANDARDS <br />A. Definitions <br />These definitions are provided for the interpretation of this policy. This policy should be <br />interpreted in conjunction with the City Hall Facility Use Policy and the City Hall Plaza <br />Rules and Regulations which may be amended from time to time.