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City of San Jose, California <br />TITLE PAGE 3 of 4 POLICY NUMBER <br />CITY HALL EVENT LIGHTING POLICY 7-14 <br />6. Indoor Events: Rotunda lights may be displayed for indoor special events in <br />conjunction with a facilities rental agreement, such as for private weddings. The <br />granting of permission to use the lighting shall in not in any way constitute an <br />endorsement of the views of the groups reserving the Facility. <br />7. Extended lighting for the Rotunda shall be subject to approval in advance by the <br />City Manager or designee, or by a proclamation by the City Council. <br />The Rotunda lighting will be displayed on the following recognized holidays and other special <br />occasions listed below, unless otherwise superseded by a facilities rental agreement or by <br />authorization by the City Manager or a proclamation by the City Council, or for an Honorary or <br />Solidarity Event. Prescheduled lighting may resume after such an event: <br />a) Week of Opening Day for the San Jose Earthquakes (blue) <br />b) Duration of San Jose Sharks Playoffs (teal) <br />c) Week of Memorial Day (red, white, and blue) <br />d) Week of Independence Day (red, white, and blue) <br />e) Week of Opening Day for the San Jose Sharks (teal) <br />f) Duration of San Jose Earthquakes Playoffs (blue) <br />g) Week of Veterans Day (red, white, and blue) <br />h) Holiday Season from December 1st to January 2nd (green and red) <br />C. Tower Light Display <br />1. Lighting of the Tower will typically be in conjunction with the Rotunda lighting <br />approval process and schedule, excluding private rental agreements. <br />Should scheduling conflicts occur between the Rotunda and Tower, lighting shall <br />be independent, with the Rotunda lighting being displayed for the private event, <br />and Tower lighting being displayed for the City event. Honorary or Solidarity <br />Event lighting as described in Section B(5) may take priority over any other <br />lighting events, whether in the Tower or Rotunda. <br />2. Tower lighting is subject to available staff resources and cost recovery fees will be <br />required from City Departments to program the lights until the Tower lighting <br />infrastructure becomes fully automated. <br />3. Tower lighting is not available for use by private entities or third parties.