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8M Consent 2018 1119
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2018 1119
8M Consent 2018 1119
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11/14/2018 9:45:05 AM
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11/14/2018 9:45:04 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY HALL LIGHTING DISPLAY POLICY <br />community, based upon the request of the Mayor, City Manager or his or her designee, or <br />a proclamation by the City Council, such as for the honoring of the victims of the <br />September 11 attacks. <br />Extended lighting shall be subject to approval in advance by the Mayor, or his or her <br />designee, or at the direction of the City Council. <br />The lighting system may also be displayed during the day or week of the following <br />recognized holidays or other special occasions, unless otherwise superseded via authorization <br />by the Mayor or his or her designee, or at the direction of the City Council, or for an <br />Honorary or Solidarity Event. Prescheduled lighting may resume after such an event. <br />Prescheduled events that do not require the express authorization of the Mayor or City <br />Council include: <br />a) Opening day or championship series participation by the Oakland Athletics (green) <br />b) Opening day or championship series participation by the Golden State Warriors (blue <br />and/or gold) <br />c) Cinco de Mayo (red, green, white) <br />d) Memorial Day (red, white, and blue) <br />e) City of San Leandro’s Cherry Festival (red) <br />f) Pride Week (rainbow spectrum, such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) <br />g) Independence Day (red, white, and blue) <br />h) Veterans Day (red, white, and blue) <br />All other requests shall be referred to the Mayor or his or her designee, or may also be <br />referred to the City Council at the Mayor’s discretion. <br />§1.12.115: PROCEDURES. Public Works Department staff or other staff as designated by <br />the City Manager shall be responsible for displaying the appropriate colors to light City Hall <br />on the specified date and duration of time. The Mayor or his or her designee, or the full City <br />Council if so referred, shall make thedetermination as to which event(s) merit a specific color <br />display visible to the public. <br />Requests for all City Hall lighting shall be made in writing to the Office of the Mayor at least <br />five (5) business days prior, or as soon as possible, to the first date of when the lighting display <br />should be implemented. A request must include the suggested duration of time and color(s) for <br />the specific request, along with a statement of how the associated event or campaign to be <br />honored or commemorated complies with Section 1.12.110. The City may also require that <br />applicants or organizations requesting usage of the lighting display provide a detailed assessment <br />of the ancillary needs associated with the request, such as for example, if a ceremony were to be <br />held along with the lighting display, the applicant may also be required to submit an overview of <br />the anticipated location and duration of the event or activity, or any other associated logistical
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