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File #:18-477,Version:1 <br />scheduled for follow-up before City Council the following month.The proposed change will have no <br />impact on the processing or timing of any applications in progress. <br />In the future, the City Council will need to authorize the City Clerk to announce the call for new <br />nominations. The new appointees beginning next year will serve as both a planning commissioner <br />and a board member. The remaining board members and commissioners would end their two-year <br />terms prematurely but would be eligible for re-nomination. <br />During this interim period, the bodies will function similarly to when the City Council also served as <br />the former Redevelopment Agency. A dual hearing will be held, opening and closing the public <br />hearing as one body or the other until agenda business is completed. With approval of tonight’s <br />resolution, both hearing bodies will meet concurrently on the first Thursday of each month beginning <br />in January 2019. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />The City Council Rules Committee considered the merits of a potential merger of the Planning <br />Commission and BZA at its February 26, 2018 meeting, attended by Councilmembers Ballew and <br />Thomas. There were no public comments. Both committee members in attendance were supportive <br />of the concept of a merger and forwarded the item for further consideration by the City Council on <br />June 4th, 2018. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy ED-5.5 - Quality Services and Accessible Government. Maintain and promote the high quality <br />of City services and the accessibility and responsiveness of City government to prospective <br />businesses and new employees. <br />Action LU-7.3.A - Zoning Review. Regularly review the Zoning Code to respond to real estate <br />market and development trends, as well as changes in technology. <br />Environmental Review <br />A merger of the PC and BZA does not constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality <br />Act and is exempt from environmental review. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney continues to advise staff on the process. The City Attorney reviewed and approved <br />this staff report and the associated resolution. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />A merger of the PC and BZA would result in substantial cost savings to the City due to the reduced <br />number of hearings, public notices, and staff time involved. <br />City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2018Page 2 of 3 <br />powered by Legistar™