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File Number: 18-561 <br />Analysis <br />Tonight’s proposal before the City Council is the third step to formalize a merger of the PC and <br />BZA, ending the terms of the remaining six members of both bodies at the end of this year and <br />codifying a provision in the Municipal Code to enable future appointees to serve concurrently as <br />both a planning commissioner and board member. <br />Section 1-3-105 of the Municipal Code grants to the City Council the power to terminate an <br />appointee to any board or commission without cause, notice, or hearing. To that end, staff <br />prepared an Ordinance to amend the Boards and Commissions provisions of the Municipal <br />Code to enable concurrent appointments to the PC and BZA, and a Resolution to end the terms <br />on December 31, 2018 of the remaining six appointees whose terms end December 31, 2020. <br />BZA and PC members were made aware of this process at prior public hearings and meetings. <br />The City Councilmember’s Handbook (Pg. XV-2) states that a member of any board or <br />commission may not serve as a member of any other board or commission. In order to proceed <br />with a merger of the PC and BZA, this guideline will be discontinued if this Ordinance passes in <br />order to allow future appointees to the PC and BZA the ability to serve a dual role as both a <br />commissioner and a board member. <br />Until the Zoning Code and Municipal Code can be further updated, the combined PC and BZA <br />will function similarly to when the City Council concurrently served as the Redevelopment Agency <br />Board of Directors. A dual meeting agenda will be published and called, and public hearings will <br />be opened and closed as one body or the other until agenda business is completed. Upon this <br />Ordinance’s passage, future appointees will serve the dual role of both planning commissioner <br />and board member. <br />The City Clerk will announce the call for nominations to the unified Planning Commission and <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments in December. Beginning next year, the new appointees will serve as <br />both a planning commissioner and board member. With approval of the proposed resolution, the <br />remaining six board members and commissioners will end their terms prematurely. This action <br />does not disqualify them from future appointment. Current Planning Commissioners and Board <br />Members are eligible for appointment. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />The City Council Rules Committee considered the merits of a potential merger of the PC and <br />BZA at its February 26, 2018 meeting. Both committee members in attendance were supportive <br />of the merger concept. On June 4, 2018, the City Council considered the matter and directed staff <br />to proceed. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy ED-5.5- Quality Services and Accessible Government. Maintain and promote the high <br />quality of City services and the accessibility and responsiveness of City government to <br />prospective businesses and new employees. <br />Action LU-7.3.A- Zoning Review. Regularly review the Zoning Code to respond to real estate <br />market and development trends, as well as changes in technology. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/13/2018