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Civic Center835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California <br />City of San Leandro <br />Legislation Details (With Text) <br />File #: Version:118-164 Name:Staff Report Discussion of Merger of PC and BZA <br />Status:Type:Staff Report Filed <br />In control:City Council <br />On agenda:Final action:6/4/2018 6/4/2018 <br />Enactment date:Enactment #: <br />Title:Staff Report Regarding Discussion of a Potential Merger of the Planning Commission and the Board <br />of Zoning Adjustments <br />Sponsors:Tom Liao <br />Indexes: <br />Code sections: <br />Attachments:1. Terms of the PC and BZA, 2. Merger of the PC and BZA 6-4-18 <br />Action ByDate Action ResultVer. <br />Received and FiledCity Council6/4/2018 1 <br />Staff Report Regarding Discussion of a Potential Merger of the Planning Commission and the Board <br />of Zoning Adjustments <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Merging the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustments would result in measurable <br />efficiency and cost-saving benefits and would bring the City’s entitlement process in line with the <br />majority of other cities and counties in California. For these reasons, Staff recommends that the City <br />Council direct Staff to return to the City Council with the necessary legal and procedural actions for a <br />merger of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustments beginning in 2019. If so <br />directed, Staff would then return to the City Council with a draft ordinance and resolution as <br />necessary to formalize the merger. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Under State law (California Government Code Section 65100,et seq.), every city and county in <br />California must have a planning agency with the authority to fulfill functions and decisions related to <br />planning and zoning laws as established by the City Council. The City Council’s authority includes the <br />ability to establish (or disestablish) a planning commission, board of zoning adjustment, board of <br />appeals, zoning administrator, and/or hearing officers. Each of these bodies has a specific purpose <br />and function defined under State law. If neither a board of zoning adjustment or a zoning <br />administrator has been established, State law stipulates that the planning commission is responsible <br />for their functions and duties. (Gov. Code Section 65902.) <br />Of these bodies, a board of zoning adjustment (BZA) can be established for the specific purpose of <br />hearing and deciding upon conditional use permits, variances and any other permits granted by local <br />ordinance. (Gov. Code Section 65901.) In San Leandro, the BZA has the added responsibility of <br />approving certain Site Plan Review applications and Parking Exceptions. The BZA primarily decides <br />City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2018Page 1 of 5 <br />powered by Legistar™