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File #:18-164,Version:1 <br />notices and mailing agenda packets for a public hearing, which are often times large in size, can take <br />anywhere from half a day to two full days of staff time for the Planning Division’s shared <br />administrative assistant, who also provides support for two other divisions. Merging the two bodies <br />together would eliminate duplicative administrative tasks and reduce the amount of preparatory time <br />by as much as half. The City Clerk’s staff would also benefit from a merger with fewer appointees to <br />process, train and monitor. <br />Training and Conference Participation <br />It is a substantial challenge and expense for the City to send members of the PC and BZA to outside <br />training and conferences. For example, sending all 14 members to the annual California League of <br />Cities’ Planning Commissioners Academy or the State Planning Conference, including registration, <br />lodging, transportation and per diem costs, would exceed $30,000. To save money, the Planning <br />Division currently hosts a joint PC-BZA meeting each year to provide in-house training for members <br />of both bodies. It is more efficient and effective to focus the City’s limited resources on fewer <br />members to ensure that they receive proper training to become an informed and effective decision- <br />maker. Increased training will provide valuable support to the Commissioners and may contribute to <br />improved outcomes for the community and applicants who come before the Commission. <br />Terms Ending <br />The timing for a merger of the BZA and PC is optimal. At the end of December 2018, four board <br />members and four planning commissioners will complete their term. The remaining three members <br />on each body will complete their term on December 31, 2020 (see attached BZA & PC term roster). <br />Merger Scenarios <br />Below are two options for merging the BZA and PC: <br />#1 - Clean Slate (Staff recommends this option) <br />·End the term of the remaining six Board Members and Planning Commissioners two years <br />early. Begin a selection process for a new unified PC and BZA to be seated in January 2019. <br />Maintain the current staggered terms and district methodology by appointing a representative <br />from Districts 1, 3, 5 and At-Large to a four-year term and Districts 2, 4 and 6 to a two-year <br />term. After an initial two-year appointment, Districts 2, 4 and 6 would resume as four-year <br />appointments. <br />#2 - Two Year Delay <br />·Maintain the BZA and PC for two more years and merge both bodies into one beginning in <br />January 2021. One of the next two appointees selected from Districts 1, 3, 5 and At-Large will <br />be assigned a two-year term on either the BZA or PC and the other appointee will be given a <br />four-year term to continue as a member of the merged body. <br />Related Code Updates <br />The PC and BZA are governed by regulations found in the Municipal Code, Zoning Code and <br />Administrative Code. The City Council must revise these codes in order to formalize a merger. Until <br />City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2018Page 3 of 5 <br />powered by Legistar™