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8P Consent 2018 1119
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2018 1119
8P Consent 2018 1119
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File #:18-164,Version:1 <br />that happens, the newly combined PC would have a dual role serving as both boards. During this <br />interim period, the combined PC would function similarly to when the City Council also served as the <br />former Redevelopment Agency. In this temporary role, the combined PC would effectively conduct a <br />dual hearing, opening and closing the hearing as one body or the other until agenda business is <br />completed. The necessary changes to City codes would be addressed through a future <br />comprehensive Zoning Code Update. The Administrative Code and Municipal Code require fewer <br />changes than the Zoning Code in order accommodate a merger. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />The City Council Rules Committee considered the merits of a potential merger of the PC and BZA at <br />its February 26, 2018 meeting, attended by Councilmembers Ballew and Thomas. There were no <br />public comments. Both committee members in attendance were supportive of the concept of a <br />merger. Councilmember Ballew supported continuing the current structure and methodology of <br />having one member from each district sit on a merged body, supplemented by at-large positions and <br />sought a smooth transition. Councilmember Thomas was also supportive of the concept and had <br />concerns as to the impact of timing a merger. Councilmember Thomas suggested considering <br />alternating Planning Commissioners and Board Members during a transition period. The Rules <br />Committee supported further consideration of the topic by the City Council, directing staff to schedule <br />the item for a future agenda, include a presentation of the pros and cons of such a merger, and <br />provide further discussion of the methodology and timing. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy ED-5.5 - Quality Services and Accessible Government. Maintain and promote the high quality <br />of City services and the accessibility and responsiveness of City government to prospective <br />businesses and new employees. <br />Action LU-7.3.A - Zoning Review. Regularly review the Zoning Code to respond to real estate <br />market and development trends, as well as changes in technology. <br />Environmental Review <br />A merger of the PC and BZA does not constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality <br />Act and is exempt from environmental review. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The subject has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />A merger of the PC and BZA would result in substantial cost savings to the City due to the reduced <br />number of hearings, public notices, and staff time involved. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />·Current roster and term limits for the PC and BZA <br />City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2018Page 4 of 5 <br />powered by Legistar™
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