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4/25/2018 Measure DD: Police and Fire Parcel Tax - Alameda County, CA <br /> <br />reduced revenue and increased costs, the City <br />has already cut $2.7 million from its libraries, <br />parks, streets and recreation services. If this <br />Public Safety measure is not approved, the <br />City will be forced to eliminate one fire <br />company (9 firefighters) and 15 sworn police <br />officers, plus support personnel. Reductions <br />of this magnitude would place in danger the <br />lives of residents and public safety <br />professionals. <br />Vote Yes on Measure DD. <br />s/SHELIA B. YOUNG Mayor <br />s/ROBERT H. GLAZE Councilman <br />s/ORVAL BADGER Vice Mayor <br />s/GLENDA NARDINE, RN Councilmember <br />Rebuttal to Arguments For <br />The strategy in proponent's argument is to overwhelm <br />and impress the voter with meaningless numbers and <br />statistics. Their intent is to injure and inconvenience <br />as many citizens as possible to make the taxpayer <br />more sympathetic to there Tax Increase. <br />This measure is a culmination of fiscal <br />mismanagement, pandering officials, and <br />public employee avarice. The public safety <br />pitch is being used again because it sells well. <br />It's superb marketing. However, it's a facade to <br />conceal systemic management shortcomings. <br />The true agenda is to insure a stream or revenue <br />at a level of largess that all at city hall are <br />accustomed. This includes isolating all city <br />employees from outside competition, job <br />performance, accountability, and real cost <br />secrutinty. <br />San Leandro has fewer officers now than ten <br />(10) years ago because city management failed <br />to allocate funds when the federal money <br />expired. <br />In the real world, (the private sector) few, if <br />any, can afford to provide retirements of <br />highest salary, with C.O.L.A. and medical also, <br />remain solvent and/or competitive (fire and <br />police personnel). San Leandro can't either. <br />This is non-subsidized taxpayer bailout! <br />Why is the non-subsidized taxpayer who always is <br />asked to give? If a reduction in number of public <br />safety personnel is going to jeopardize their lives, <br />they should consider a wage and benefit concession. <br />Berkeley's city employees made concessions. Are city <br />employees immune? Ask the airline employees about <br />wage and benefit concessions. That's the real world! <br />along with their total opposition and controlled <br />election propaganda. <br />San Leandro already has their Real Property Transfer <br />Tax in force, and are seeking the voters approval for a <br />similar so-called Public Safety Parcel Tax. Another <br />tax that flies smack in the face of a renter's and <br />homeowner's private property rights. <br />No person, homeowner or renter and taxpayers <br />should be penalized for San Leandro's lack in faith in <br />taxpayer equality: The renter or homeowner of <br />property is taxed more than enough. Do not be fooled <br />by city political maneuvering. <br />Vote No on Measure DD. <br />s/LOU FILIPOVICH <br />s/HELEN BASSETT <br />s/THOMAS HUDSON <br />s/ALBERT E. PALADINI <br />Rebuttal to Arguments Against <br />53% of San Leandro's General Fund Budget pays for <br />police and fire protection! The City Council has <br />already cut all non-public safety departments by <br />$2.7 million. Police and fire services are currently at <br />minimum acceptable levels; the City Council has <br />budgeted to maintain those departments at their <br />current staffing for six months by using one-time <br />reserve funds. In order to continue maintaining the <br />current level of public safety protection for 2005, <br />$3.25 million from the Public Safety Parcel Tax is <br />needed. Voting yes for this critical Public Safety <br />measure will provide the funds required to maintain <br />94 sworn police officers and 63 firefighters, plus key <br />support personnel. The funds cannot be used for any <br />other purpose and must be kept in a special fund <br />dedicated to public safety uses. The public safety <br />parcel tax will expire in 5 1/2 years. <br />San Leandro has kept its level of police and fire <br />personnel constant since 1997, despite a growing <br />population and an increased number of calls for <br />service. If Measure DD does not pass, our City will <br />be forced to eliminate one fire company (9 <br />firefighters) by taking one of the City's two ladder <br />trucks out of service. We will also be forced to <br />eliminate police officers and Police Department <br />support staff. <br />This is not a "scare tactic." We need your support to <br />help maintain adequate public safety protection for all <br />who live and work in this community.