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10B Action 2018 1119
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2018 1119
10B Action 2018 1119
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11/14/2018 9:47:03 AM
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11/14/2018 9:47:01 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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4/25/2018 Measure DD: Police and Fire Parcel Tax - Alameda County, CA <br /> <br />This Safety Parcel Tax lacks guaranteed "sunset' <br />provisions! <br />Vote NO on Measure DD. <br />s/LOU FILIPOVICH <br />s/HELEN BASSETT <br />s/ALBERT E. PALADINI <br />s/ALBERT J. ROSENGA, JR. <br />Please vote "Yes" on Measure DD. <br />s/SHELIA B. YOUNG Mayor <br />s/ROBERT H. GLAZE Councilman <br />s/GLENDA NARDINE Councilmember <br />s/ORVAL BADGER Vice Mayor <br />Full Text of Measure DD <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2004-__ <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO ESTABLISHING A <br />SPECIAL TAX FOR POLICE AND FIRE PROTECTION <br />THE PEOPLE OF SAN LEANDRO, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION I: PURPOSE, INTENT AND AUTHORITY. <br />It is the purpose and intent of this Ordinance to authorize the levy of the tax on owners of real property that are <br />within the city limits of the City of San Leandro ("City") in order to provide funding for police and fire <br />protection to serve the property and persons within the City. <br />This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to Government Code section 53978. The tax proposed herein shall be <br />effective only if approved by two-thirds of the voters, as further specified herein. The tax is a special tax within <br />the meaning of Section 4 of Article XIIIA and Article XIIIC of the California Constitution because it will be <br />used for specific purposes. <br />Because the burden of this tax falls upon property owners who have developed their property, or whose <br />nondevelopment of property necessitates municipal services, this tax is an excise tax. This tax is not determined <br />according to nor in any manner based upon the value of property. Rather, it is based on the privilege of using <br />and the use of police and fire services by developed and some undeveloped properties and on the availability of <br />police and fire services to developed properties within the City. <br />The revenues raised by this tax are to be used solely (a) for the purposes of obtaining, furnishing, operating, and <br />maintaining police protection equipment or apparatus, for paying the salaries and benefits of police protection <br />personnel, and for such other police protection service expenses as are deemed necessary for the benefit of the <br />residents of the City; and (b) for the purposes of obtaining, furnishing, operating, and maintaining fire <br />protection equipment or apparatus, for the costs of fire protection personnel provided by the County of <br />Alameda, or provided by the City's own employees, and for such other fire protection service expenses as are <br />deemed necessary for the benefit of the residents of the City. <br />SECTION II: FINDINGS. <br />The City Council ("Council") recognizes that residentially and non-residentially developed parcels both use <br />police and fire protection services. The Council has, therefore, determined that the tax should be imposed on <br />both residentially and non-residentially developed properties, and that the tax on each type of property should <br />be proportionate to their use of the services. <br />The apportionment of the tax to various types of properties is based, in part, on the intensity of police and fire <br />protection services requested for different kinds of land uses and on the average number of occupants of a <br />parcel of each type of property. The Council finds that users of residential property typically generate more <br />calls for service from the police and fire departments. Therefore, it is appropriate for the residential property <br />owners to bear a higher percentage of the burden on residential property owners.
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