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10B Action 2018 1119
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2018 1119
10B Action 2018 1119
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11/14/2018 9:47:03 AM
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11/14/2018 9:47:01 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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4/25/2018 Measure DD: Police and Fire Parcel Tax - Alameda County, CA <br /> <br />SECTION IX: REFUNDS-CLAIM REQUIRED. <br />Any person claiming a refund of the tax for any reason not provided for herein shall first file a written claim <br />with the City Clerk on a form specified by the Clerk. Such claim must be filed no later than 100 days after <br />payment of the tax. All claims must be filed by the person who paid the tax or his or her guardian, conservator, <br />or the executor of his or her estate. No claim may be filed on behalf of other taxpayers or a class of taxpayers. <br />Filing of a claim shall be a condition precedent to legal action against the City for a refund of the tax. <br />SECTION X: UNTIMELY OR UNPAID TAXES. <br />A one-time penalty not to exceed 25 percent (25%) of the tax due is hereby imposed on all taxpayers who fail <br />to pay the tax provided by this Ordinance when due. The penalty shall become a part of the tax debt herein <br />required to be paid. In addition, if the tax remains unpaid as of July 1 of the following year, an additional <br />penalty of one and one half percent per month shall accrue on all amounts unpaid. Every penalty imposed and <br />such interest as accrues under the provisions of this Ordinance shall become a part of the tax herein required to <br />be paid. <br />The amount of any tax or penalty imposed under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a debt to the <br />City. Any person owing money under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be personally liable for such <br />amount in any action brought in the name of the City for the recovery of the amount owed. The City will be <br />entitled to recover from the person against whom such an action is brought its costs incurred in connection with <br />such action including its reasonable attorney's fees. <br />SECTION XI: APPROPRIATIONS LIMITATION. <br />In no case shall the revenues generated by the tax levied and imposed by this Ordinance exceed the limitation <br />established by Article XIIIB of the Constitution of the State of California. <br />SECTION XII: ADMINISTRATIVE INTERPRETATION. <br />The Council may, by resolution, adopt guidelines for administrative matters related to the interpretation and <br />enforcement of this Ordinance. Such guidelines may establish new use codes or may modify use codes listed in <br />Section IV. Such guidelines may additionally provide for administrative remedies for challenges to the tax <br />imposed by this Ordinance. <br />SECTION XIII: SAVINGS CLAUSE. <br />If any provision, sentence, clause, section or part of this Ordinance is found to be unconstitutional, illegal or <br />invalid, such finding shall affect only such provision, sentence, clause, section or part, and shall not affect or <br />impair any of the remaining parts of the Ordinance. The City Council finds and declares that it would have <br />adopted each and every provision of this Ordinance, even if it had not adopted any other provision. <br />SECTION XIV: AUTHORITY FOR ORDINANCE. <br />This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 53978, Government Code <br />Section 50077, and Article XIIID, Section 3(a) of the California Constitution. <br />SECTION XV: CHALLENGE TO TAX. <br />Any action to challenge the tax imposed by this Ordinance shall be brought pursuant to Government Code <br />Section 50077.5 and Code of Civil Procedure Section 860 et seq. <br />SECTION XVI: ELECTION REQUIRED FOR TAX TO BE EFFECTIVE. <br />This Ordinance shall take effect immediately following adoption. Notwithstanding the effective date of this <br />Ordinance, the tax proposed by this Ordinance shall not become effective until the date set forth in Section <br />XVII. <br />SECTION XVII: EFFECTIVE DATE AND REPEAL DATE OF TAX. <br />If this Ordinance is approved by two-thirds of the voters voting at the November 2, 2004 municipal election, <br />the tax shall become effective on January 1, 2005. This Ordinance is repealed five and one-half (51/2) years <br />after the effective date unless extended by the voters.
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