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File Number: 18-572 <br />authorized by voters, it is unlikely that annual increases in revenues from such a tax would keep <br />pace with the currently forecasted annual increases in public safety pension and retirement <br />benefits costs. For both police and fire, personnel costs are projected to see substantial <br />increases in the next several years. <br />Prior City Council Direction <br />Based on the above needs, at the April 2, 2018 City Council meeting, the City Council directed <br />staff to develop an analysis of the tasks that would be necessary to bring forward for voter <br />consideration a potential public safety parcel tax as part of the November 6, 2018 ballot. <br />Staff subsequently presented an analysis of such a potential measure at both the May 7 and May <br />21, 2018 City Council meetings. During this period of time, the San Leandro Unified School <br />District Board of Trustees was concurrently exploring its own potential parcel tax. The school <br />district board of trustees subsequently voted to place that measure on the November 2018 ballot <br />(Measure I), which was successfully endorsed by 73% of local voters and which authorizes a $39 <br />tax per parcel in the district to fund education programs and staffing. <br />In order to avoid two local revenue measures on the same ballot, at the conclusion of the May 21 <br />City Council meeting, the City Council unanimously adopted a motion to further extend the time <br />period to explore any potential future tax measure(s), with an eye towards a 2019 election. The <br />City Council also wants to explore the development of a public opinion poll to gauge voter <br />support, and to commence related community outreach efforts beginning in January 2019. Based <br />on that direction, staff developed a draft contract with Godbe Research and commenced <br />discussions with a public affairs firm that is available to commence polling, should the City <br />Council so desire. <br />Given that nearly six months passed since the City Council’s direction was provided, staff seeks <br />additional clarification and direction from the City Council regarding next steps. It is also <br />important to note that there were recent changes in California law that may affect the timing of a <br />revenue measure. <br />Changes in State Law Related to 2019 Election Timing <br />Late last year the Governor signed into law SB 568, which changed the date of the statewide <br />direct primary and the presidential primary. Effective 2019, California law requires statewide <br />primary elections to take place the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March, and requires that <br />those elections be consolidated. As a result, June 2019 is eliminated as a potential election date, <br />in the absence of a local declaration of a fiscal emergency and the calling of a special election. <br />Per the Alameda County Registrar of Voters, copied below are the currently established election <br />date options in 2019, and related filing deadlines. <br />2019 Established Election Dates in Alameda County <br />March 5, 2019 - Election <br />December 7, 2018 - Deadline to file Resolution <br />December 12, 2018 - Deadline to file Arguments In Favor/Against <br />December 17, 2018 - Deadline to file Rebuttals to Arguments In Favor/Against <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/13/2018