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File Number: 18-572 <br />It should also be noted that the City previously pursued a public safety parcel tax measure as part <br />of the November 2004 ballot, known as Measure DD. The measure ultimately garnered 50.5% <br />support, and thus failed to surpass the two-thirds threshold that would have been necessary for <br />passage. <br />The 2004 tax measure was structured as follows, with a 5.5 year sunset provision: <br />Commercial/Industrial:$16.00 per 1,000 square feet of parcel area <br />Residential-Single family homes/townhomes/condos:$78.00 per parcel <br />Residential-Multi-Family/Mobile home properties:$46.80 per unit <br />Unimproved:$4.00 per thousand square feet of parcel area <br />Non-profit education/Places of worship:$13.00 per thousand square feet of parcel area <br />Exempt:$0.00 <br />The 2004 measure also contained a provision offering a 40% discount to low-income seniors <br />aged 65 and over and allowed for annual inflation adjustments based upon the regional <br />Consumer Price Index (CPI). If the measure had been successful, it was forecast to generate <br />approximately $3.5 million annually. <br />Estimated Costs for an Election in 2019: <br />In the event the City Council were to ultimately place a revenue measure on an upcoming ballot, <br />copied below are estimated election costs provided by the Alameda County Registrar of Voters. <br />Since there are presently no other 2019 elections in San Leandro, a consolidated election would <br />not be possible until the March 2020 presidential primary election. <br />Type of Election Cost Per Voter*Est. Local Cost* <br />Standalone Special City Or District $12 - $15 up to ~$685K** <br />Standalone All Vote by Mail $7 - $9 up to ~$420K** <br />Countywide Consolidated $4 - $6 up to ~$280K** <br />*based upon approx. 47,000 registered San Leandro voters <br />**excludes ballot translation costs <br />Other Anticipated One-Time Ancillary Costs <br />Public Affairs Consultant (exploration phase):$20,000 <br />Public Affairs community outreach ($6,500/month):$32,500 <br />Financial Consulting Assistance ($300/hour):$10,000 <br />Public Opinion Survey:$36,800 <br />Estimated Total:$99,300 <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Based on the latest election timelines for 2019 outlined above, an August 27, 2019 mailed <br />election ballot would appear to be the nearest term opportunity to bring forward a potential <br />revenue measure, while still allowing sufficient time to meet the preceding logistical deadlines. <br />Nevertheless, in advance of moving forward with such a timeline, it would be crucially important to <br />conduct a public opinion survey in early 2019 to gauge potential community support for the <br />various different types of measures that are outlined above, in addition to commencing various <br />public outreach and community engagement efforts. In the event robust public support was not <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/13/2018