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1.6 Subgrade and Pavement Evaluation Consultant will complete deflection testing for all streets. <br />Deflection testing and analysis shall be done consistent with California Test Method 356 and the California <br />Highway Design Manual Chapter 630, topic 635. At each test section, Consultant will core the pavement to <br />determine the existing thickness of the road section. Bore locations shall be marked with white paint and <br />submitted to USA for utility clearance. During marking of pavement borings, Consultant will meet with a City <br />representative familiar with the site's underground utilities to assist in avoiding conflicts between pavement <br />borings and existing underground utilities. Upon encountering detectable underground utilities during <br />pavement boring, consultant shall investigate and document the type and depth of the utility.. Consultant <br />will quantity and qualify the engineering properties of the subgrade soils including moisture content, R - <br />Value, and Plasticity Index as part of the geotechnical evaluation. Consultant will work with the contractor to <br />acquire representative samples of the roadway to find if concrete pavement lies below the asphalt. <br />1.7 Storm Drain System and Existing Hydrology Patterns: Using information from GIS, USGS, and field <br />review, Consultant will establish general drainage patterns for each street in the project area. Consultant <br />will conduct interviews with City maintenance staff to determine locations of potential problems. Consultant <br />will video existing drainage patterns to document existing conditions during rainfall. <br />1.8 Utility Locating and Potholing. Consultant will locate existing non -gravity utilities by potholing and <br />identify potential utility conflicts. Consultant will submit a work plan and traffic control plan; if work is done <br />by a sub -consultant, they will submit insurance meeting the requirements of this contract.. Consultant will <br />supervise the potholing and record the results. All potholes will be backfilled with a controlled low strength <br />material. <br />Deliverables: <br />• Project report consisting of findings, pavement design matrix, including repair options for each <br />street, existing structural sections, etc. <br />Task 2: Preliminary Engineering (30% PS&E) <br />Objective: Based on the selection of streets to receive repair, Consultant will refine the design and confirm <br />the estimated cost of improvement. <br />2.1 Cost Analysis: Consultant will refine the estimate confirming that the scope of work for the pavement <br />rehabilitation is within budget. Should the scope exceed the budget, Consultant will provide value - <br />engineering strategies. <br />2.2 Project Report: Consultant will document findings and recommendations in a report format that will <br />serve as the basis of design. This report will include: <br />• Executive Summary <br />• Summary of existing surface conditions including updated PCI, horizontal and vertical grades, <br />deflection test results, pavement and base properties, soil properties, and accessibility compliance <br />• Summary of storm drain runoff patterns <br />• List of potential project risks including permit conditions, public utility relocations, or private <br />property coordination necessary to complete the work <br />• Recommendations for pavement restoration including projected design life. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 06/28/2018 <br />BKF Engineers, Inc. for Annual Street Overlay/Rehabilitation 2018-19 <br />COSL Project No. 2019.0050 Exhibit A — Page 3 of 6 <br />