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4B Presentations 2018 1217
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4B Presentations 2018 1217
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-626 <br />establishes height limits on a parcel-by-parcel basis rather than by zoning. <br /> <br />Updates for Language, Style, and Formatting Consistency <br /> <br />Edits included ensuring that all headers and sub-headers used a consistent style; using <br />consistent conventions with regards to capitalization, section header format, numbering format, <br />and abbreviations; and clarifying references to other sections in the zoning code. <br /> <br />Streamlined and Clarified Standards <br /> <br />The primary purpose of these amendments was to make the standards for residential and <br />mixed-use residential development in commercial and professional districts more <br />comprehensible. To achieve this goal, several existing tables were modified and a new <br />residential density standards table was introduced. Specifically: <br /> <br />·§2-680 Minimum Yards. To clarify rear and side setback requirements for properties <br />abutting R Districts, a third column was added to the table for properties that abut <br />residentially-zoned parcels. <br />·§2-680.J Daylight Plane Regulations for Parcels Adjacent to R Districts. New <br />diagrams for daylight plane standards were created to effectively and correctly portray <br />the three-dimensional impact of the 45-degree daylight plane regulations, and will <br />replace the existing two-dimensional diagrams. <br />·§2-682 Height of Structures. Height limits for residential multi-family and mixed-use <br />development were incorporated. To clearly state the minimum and maximum height <br />regulations that apply to residential multi-family and mixed use development in <br />commercial districts, a separate set of columns was added to the heights table. <br />·§2-686 Floor Area Ratios. The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) column was updated to be <br />consistent with the General Plan and other code sections, and to reflect the entire <br />range of possible FARs in each zoning district. The table also now references specific <br />General Plan land use designations and identifies a minimum FAR column for the DA- <br />6 zoning district. <br />Minor Changes to Existing Standards <br />·The underground/structured parking bonus is proposed for removal. The Zoning Code <br />contains an unused floor area ratio (FAR) bonus provision whereby applicants could <br />receive up to a 0.5 FAR bonus for providing underground parking. Feedback from <br />applicants noted that the bonus does not provide a tangible benefit because the <br />increase is negligible, the cost of underground parking outweighs the benefits of the <br />FAR bonus, and the minimum parking requirements apply regardless. Furthermore, the <br />bonus does not allow a project to exceed General Plan FAR policy maximums. As this <br />bonus no longer serves a purpose and could rarely be used, staff recommends it be <br />removed. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/11/2018
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