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4B Presentations 2018 1217
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Packet 2018 1217
4B Presentations 2018 1217
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-626 <br />foot height exception. Only two eligible parcels were identified: 490 Estudillo Avenue, a three <br />story 18-unit apartment building, and 637 Fargo Avenue, which is Fire Station No.13. Additional <br />properties could hypothetically become eligible for this height exception through a lot merger or a <br />parcel map. Exceptions to a height limit or other development standard may also be considered <br />by the City Council through a Planned Development application. <br />Analysis <br />While many existing standards were clarified in these proposed changes to the Zoning Code, the <br />underlying existing numerical standards - such as required open space, maximum lot coverage, <br />and maximum FAR/density - are largely maintained. Standards, such as maximum FARs in CC, <br />CN, CR, C-RM, have been revised or added to be consistent with the established General Plan <br />land use designations, and the update provides previously nonexistent density standards for SA <br />zones. Development standards such as height or FAR regulations that were previously only <br />identified in the General Plan, specific plans or other locations, presented a significant <br />inconvenience for applicants and developers to find and cross-reference. Those provisions are <br />now clearly identified alongside other pertinent development standards. This update provides a <br />necessary incremental improvement to the Zoning Code’s functionality and helps make the code <br />more comprehensible and user-friendly. <br />With the exception of recommending that the City Council consider an accommodation to allow a <br />50 foot height limit for P-zoned parcels greater than 10,000 square feet that are surrounded on all <br />sides by other zones with a 50 foot height limit, the Planning Commission otherwise supported <br />staff’s recommended Zoning Code amendments In their deliberations, some Planning <br />Commissioners had concerns that a shorter P-zoned building could be impacted by adjacent <br />taller buildings. Dissenting commissioners were concerned that such an exception constituted <br />spot zoning and would be limited in scope given how few parcels are zoned Professional Office <br />(P). Based on their recommendation, staff prepared two versions of the proposed Zoning Code <br />amendments for City Council consideration: one containing the City Council’s original direction to <br />establish a consistent 30 foot height limit in the P-zone and a second version that incorporates <br />the Planning Commission’s recommendation for a limited height limit exception. <br />Given that only two parcels qualify for the scenario recommended by the Planning Commission <br />and that a height exception can be achieved through other means, staff supports the City <br />Council’s direction to establish a consistent 30 foot height limit in the Professional Office zoning <br />district. <br />Planning Commission Review and Action <br />As noted in the analysis, the Planning Commission considered this item at its November 15, <br />2018 public hearing. One member from the public spoke in support of the staff recommendation <br />during public comments. The Planning Commission supported the proposed Zoning Code <br />amendments, but recommended an exception be included to allow a 50 foot height limit for <br />P-zoned parcels greater than 10,000 square feet that are surrounded on all sides by other zones <br />with a 50 foot height limit. Following some deliberation, a motion to recommend City Council <br />approval with the height exception was made by Commissioner Brennan and seconded by Chair <br />Pon. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the proposed Zoning Code amendments <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/11/2018
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