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City of City of San Leandro 2019 State Legislative Platform & Policy Guidelines Page 2 of 7 <br />Public Utilities, Wildfire Liability and Vegetation Management. Monitor legislation regarding <br />wildfire liability. Following some of the most destructive wildfires in California history, the State is <br />expected to implement new plans to improve disaster preparedness. Ongoing discussions have <br />continued with regards to fire prevention work and liability. <br />Railroad Safety. Support funding opportunities and advocate for projects that will increase <br />public safety in proximity to railroad tracks and rail crossings. <br />Reclaimed/Recycled Water Projects.Support legislation that advances the use of recycled or <br />reclaimed water while meeting the needs of local agencies, especially during times of drought. <br />Related efforts could include support for permitting, construction, or maintenance of recycled <br />water pipelines or water storage and distribution systems. Oppose legislation or regulations that <br />would hinder these efforts. <br />Recycling Programs.Support legislation to extend incentives for both household and <br />commercial recycling efforts. Oppose legislation that hampers recycling efforts or reduces <br />incentives to recycle. <br />SB1 Transportation Funding.Support projects and programs that would lead to local <br />transportation improvements using funds derived from the statewide gas tax that was <br />implemented via Senate Bill 1 (2017). <br />Small Cell Towers. Oppose legislation or regulatory efforts that seek to restrict local <br />control over the permitting of small cell wireless equipment, or that would otherwise restrict <br />the rates local governments may charge for placement of equipment on publicly-owned <br />property, such as streetlights and traffic signal poles. <br />Smart City Technologies. Support efforts that provide funding or technical assistance for cities <br />that are implementing smart city technologies designed to improve public safety, quality of life, <br />public access to data, or government efficiency. <br />Traffic Signal Synchronization. Support legislation or regulatory efforts to address <br />greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by providing funding for traffic signal synchronization and <br />related actions that reduce traffic and pollution. <br />Undergrounding of Utilities/Rule 20A. Support the approval and funding of projects that <br />would lead to the undergrounding of utility lines, and support the exploration of related regional <br />approaches. The Public Utilities Commission oversees Rule 20A, a program that establishes <br />an electric tariff for related work. Support common sense reforms to this program that would <br />streamline or otherwise help to facilitate undergrounding projects. <br />Use of State Highways. Support efforts that would facilitate the use of overweight trucks to <br />transport goods from local San Leandro businesses to and from the Port of Oakland on routes <br />that utilize state highways. <br />Vehicle Miles Traveled Legislation. Monitor new legislation or regulatory efforts with a greater <br />focus on Road Usage Charges (RUC), including the State’s RUC pilot program to study the <br />potential for RUC as an alternative to the gas tax. <br />Water Quality Measures/Trash Capture Devices. Support legislation, regulations, and budget <br />proposals that will provide support and resources to purchase and install trash capture devices <br />or other efforts to address storm water runoff and/or protect water quality. <br />Housing, Land Use & Environmental Protection <br />Affordable Housing.Support efforts to facilitate the development and construction of <br />affordable housing. Monitor any proposed legislation, regulations, or statewide guidelines to <br />ensure they meet the needs of the City of San Leandro and the region. Oppose efforts that <br />would significantly restrict local control over zoning authority to establish local density, height, or <br />location standards in regards to housing projects.