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City of City of San Leandro 2019 State Legislative Platform & Policy Guidelines Page 4 of 7 <br />efforts to ensure the regulations and guidelines meet the needs of the City of San Leandro and <br />the region. <br />Shoreline Development. Support efforts or funding opportunities that would assist in the <br />successful redevelopment of San Leandro’s shoreline area. <br />Sharing Economy.Support legislation that enhances the ability of local governments to fairly <br />regulate sharing economy services such as ride share and short-term rentals to protect public <br />safety, ensure tax & fee collection, and adequate supply of rental housing stock. <br />Law Enforcement & Public Safety <br />Body Cameras.Support legislation addressing best practices for the use of police body-worn <br />cameras, while balancing the needs of the public and law enforcement personnel. <br />De-escalation Training & Funding.Support efforts that would provide additional funding or <br />training opportunities for law enforcement and public safety personnel on tactics designed to <br />defuse or de-escalate interactions with potentially violent individuals and/or persons suffering <br />from a mental health crisis. <br />Disaster Prevention and Recovery. Seek additional funding, and expand the definition of <br />programs eligible for grant funding for disaster recovery and prevention. <br />Drones.As the use, and need for drones expands, so does the discussion on local control and <br />privacy. Monitor any new legislation and support efforts to ensure local needs are adequately <br />addressed. <br />First Amendment and Protest Policing. Support efforts to provide training and support for law <br />enforcement agencies so that they may effectively protect public safety during protests and/or <br />free speech events. <br />Human Trafficking. Support statewide efforts to address the issue of human trafficking and <br />provide support for local law enforcement efforts to do the same. <br />Health & Human Services <br />Early Childhood Education.Monitor any administrative actions or legislation regarding <br />early childhood education. It is anticipated that the Governor-elect will seek to increase <br />funding for services like prenatal care, pre-kindergarten, and home visits in his January <br />Budget proposal. <br />Health Care. Monitor any administrative actions or legislation regarding single-payer health <br />care. California has done significant work expanding Medi-Cal access and implementing <br />the Affordable Care Act. Support legislation that seeks to hold down costs, like last year’s <br />AB3087 (17R), which would have set the payment amounts flowing to various health care <br />entities. <br />Homelessness. Support administrative actions or legislation that seeks to provide cities <br />and counties with direct funding or other support needed in response to conditions that <br />contribute to homelessness. Funding is needed to provide additional tools and support to <br />maintain access to support services, treatment, housing, and jobs. <br />Improved Access to Health Care. Support efforts to protect or expand health care coverage <br />to all populations.