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8J Consent Calendar 2018 1217
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2018 1217
8J Consent Calendar 2018 1217
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12/11/2018 7:47:35 PM
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12/11/2018 7:47:25 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2018-158
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2018 State Legislative Summary Page 4 of 4 <br />The TPA team achieved great success partnering on the Statewide Park Program <br />Rounds 1 and Round 2. As soon as the Park Bond was approved, TPA reached out <br />to City staff to coordinate comprehensive discussions on best ways to move forward <br />with applications for Round 3. Applications will be due in Spring of 2019 and it is <br />expected that TPA will assist the City of San Leandro in writing and submitting an <br />application for grant funding through this program. <br />Summary:As the TPA/City team continue to work together and coordinate, we will <br />advise on strategies to create the most competitive applications possible leading up <br />to the submittal deadline. <br />Lead Paint Legislative Package. In 2000, ten California cities and counties sued lead paint <br />manufacturers over impacts that resulted from their products. In 2014, the Santa Clara <br />County Superior Court issued a lengthy decision holding The Sherwin-Williams Company, <br />ConAgra Grocery Products Company, and NL Industries, Inc. accountable for creating a <br />public nuisance in the ten cities and counties involved in the lawsuit. In February 2018, the <br />California Supreme Court rejected the manufacturers’ petition for review of the Court of <br />Appeal’s decision. <br />There were six Assembly bills that sought to address issues brought up in the <br />court case, as well as a ballot initiative proposal for the November 2018 <br />election that would have vacated the court’s decision to hold paint <br />manufacturers liable and created a taxpayer-funded bond for abatement. <br />Summary. There was a proposal discussed in the final days of the legislative <br />session that attempted to forge a deal among the paint companies and the ten <br />cities and counties involved in the lawsuit. The legislation would have <br />effectively had the cities and counties dismiss their legal claims in exchange <br />for a total settlement valued at nearly $700 million. An agreement on <br />legislation was not reached before session adjourned and, as such, we expect <br />legislation to be introduced on this topic in the 2019 session. <br />Weekly Updates <br />In addition to the work mentioned above, TPA provided the City with ongoing, weekly legislative <br />updates on bills, relevant statewide policy topics, and other matters of interest to ensure the City <br />has up to date information and is directly involved in the decision-making process. These updates <br />included specific bills we were working on for the City along with bills we suggested the City consider <br />monitoring, supporting or opposing. <br />TPA looks forward to continuing its efforts to ensure that the City is kept up to date on state <br />legislation, matters relating to the State’s Administration, and funding opportunities in written weekly <br />updates that include our efforts on the City’s behalf, status of priority legislation, and other time- <br />sensitive matters.
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