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Page 4 of 19 <br /> <br /> Additional Building Setback Requirements – SA-1, SA-2, and SA-3 Districts. <br />1. If ground floor residential is proposed, a 10-foot building setback shall be <br />required. <br />2. South of Blossom Way: Front setbacks will vary to achieve a 13.5-foot wide <br />sidewalk. No front setback is required. <br />3. North of Blossom Way: Front setbacks will vary to achieve a 13-foot wide <br />sidewalk. A minimum 4.5-foot setback shall be required. <br /> Daylight Plane Regulations for Parcels Adjacent to R Districts. <br />1. For C and P Districts, structures shall not intercept a one-to-one (1:1) or forty-five <br />degree (45°) daylight plane inclined inward from a height of eight (8) feet above <br />existing grade at the R District boundary line. (Please refer to illustration <br />“Required Daylight Plane at Adjoining Districts—C or P Districts.”) <br /> <br /> <br />Required Daylight Plane at Adjoining Districts—C or P Districts <br />(The diagram is illustrative) <br /> <br />2. For SA districts, structures shall not intercept a one-to-one (1:1) or forty-five <br />degree (45°) daylight plane inclined inward from a height of eight feet above <br />existing grade at the R District boundary line. (Please refer to illustration <br />“Required Daylight Plane at Adjoining Districts—SA Districts.)