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Legal Rationale for Cost Recovery: <br />Sidewalk Repair Program 7 <br />•California Streets & Highways Code §5600 to 5630 <br />“The owners of lots…fronting on any portion of a public street…shall maintain any sidewalk in such condition that the <br />sidewalk will not endanger persons or property and maintain it in a condition which will not interfere with the public <br />convenience…” <br />•San Leandro Municipal Code §5-1-415 et seq. <br />“Any person owning real property in the City shall repair any dangerous or defective sidewalk lying in front of or <br />along the side of his or her property.” <br />“The City…hereby adopts by this reference the provisions of…the Streets and Highways Code for purpose of <br />maintaining and repairing sidewalks and assessing the costs thereof.” <br />•San Leandro Administrative Code §8.1.100 et seq. <br />“The City finds and determines that while it possesses the legal authority to impose upon benefiting properties the full <br />cost of concrete improvements made to the public-right-of-way abutting said benefited property, that in the <br />circumstances set forth in §8.1.120 hereof it desires to contribute a portion of such costs.”