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0 There were 49 consolidated precincts established for the purpose of holding said election. <br />The total number of ballots cast at said election, for the candidates for Mayor, and City <br />Council Districts 1, 3, and 5 was 38,319. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that at said election, the following persons were elected <br />to the following offices respectively: <br />Pauline Russo Cutter, Mayor, for a full term of four years from and after January 1, 2019, <br />and until her successor is elected and qualified. <br />Deborah Cox, Council Member, District 1, for a full term of four years from and after <br />.January 1, 2019, and until her Successor is elected and qualified. <br />Victor Aguilar, Jr., Council Member, District 3, for a full term Of four years from and <br />after January 1, 2019, and until his successor is elected and qualified. <br />Corina N. L6pez, Council Member, District 5, for a ftill term of four years from and after <br />January 1, 2019, and until her successor is elected and qualified. <br />Introduced by Councilinember Cox and passed and adopted this 17th day of December <br />2018, by the following vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: COLIFICilmembers Ballew, Cox, Hernandez, Lee, Lopez; Mayor Cutter (6) <br />NOES: Thomas (1) <br />EXCUSED: None <br />ATTEST: �--Y'j 73 <br />Z <br />f„ja I.M�Igltlel, CioClerk <br />RF;SOLJJTION NO. 2018-159 2 <br />(0) <br />