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File Number: 19-005 <br />Public Outreach <br />If the requested actions are authorized by the City Council, staff intends to contact the property <br />owners from the interested parties list that are in the Davis West neighborhood as eligible for <br />Phase III of the program. To the extent sufficient funds remain available, staff would subsequently <br />contact any other remaining property owners from the list of remaining eligible homes and offer <br />similar assistance. <br />Related Council Goals <br />The following City Council goal is applicable to the requested action: <br />·Support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhances <br />the quality of life and wellness, celebrates the arts and diversity and promotes civic pride <br />Previous Actions <br />·Resolution 2008-071, approving a purchase and sale agreement for 2139 Laura Avenue, <br />the widening of Davis Street, and a continuation of the Westgate Parkway Extension <br />project, ACTIA No. 18, adopted on June 16, 2008. <br />·Resolution No. 2004-012, approving a contractual service agreement with C. Kell-Smith, <br />adopted January 26, 2004 <br />·Resolution No. 2008-142, approving Amendment No. 1, adopted Dec. 1, 2008 <br />·Resolution No. 2011-162, approving Amendment No. 2, adopted Sept 19, 2011 <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy EH-9.2 Mitigation of Airport Noise: Pursue mitigation of airport noise impacts to the <br />fullest extent possible. Support and advocate for operational practices, changes to aircraft, <br />new technologies, and physical improvements that would reduce the number of properties <br />in San Leandro that are impacted by noise. <br />·Action EH-9.2.A Settlement Agreement Implementation: Continue implementation of the <br />2000 Settlement Agreement between the City of San Leandro and the Port of Oakland, as <br />amended through 2017, to support noise insulation for additional San Leandro <br />residences. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/17/2019