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File Number: 19-005 <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />If authorized by City Council, the costs for implementation of Phase III of the Airport Noise <br />Insulation Program would be limited to $542,000, which would require a corresponding <br />appropriation of $542,000 in account 010-14-021-5240 in the FY 2018-19 budget. This <br />requested appropriation is fully off-set by existing fund balance that was left unspent in the FY <br />2017-18 budget, which was generated by the sale of the formerly City-owned property at 2139 <br />Laura Avenue. <br />If authorized by approval of the requested action and associated resolution, the City Manager will <br />be delegated authority to negotiate and enter into contract with C. Kell-Smith in an amount not to <br />exceed $246,504 using the above-requested appropriation. A line item break down of these <br />estimated costs has been included as an attachment to this staff report, which includes three <br />primary components: <br /> <br />·$68,774 overall project management by C. Kell-Smith & Associates <br />·$159,780 sub-contract for construction plan development & related tasks <br />·$17,950 sub-contract for lead & asbestos survey work <br />Attachment to Staff Report <br />·Scope of work and summary of proposed contract costs <br />PREPARED BY: Eric Engelbart & Jacqui Diaz, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/17/2019