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10 <br />Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: 60 Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: 100(B) <br />DA-6 Parcels < 10,000 SF: n.a. Parcels < 10,000 SF: 24(B) <br />Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: 60 Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: n.a. <br />NA-1, NA-2, P n.a. 24 <br />SA-1, SA-2, SA-3 18(C) 24 35 <br />Small Unit Density Bonus – DA Districts. A 20 percent density bonus for average unit <br />size less than 750 square feet is allowed. This bonus may not be added to the state- <br />required density bonus for affordable housing. Only one density bonus program may be applied to any given development. <br />Exceptions to Minimum Density – SA Districts. Exceptions to this minimum density <br />requirement may be approved at the discretion of the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />2-694 Open Space for Multi-Family Residential and Mixed-Use Residential Development. <br />In addition to the general Landscape Requirements prescribed in Article 19 and 2-688.A, the following requirements for minimum required open space apply to all multi-family <br />residential and mixed-use residential development in the C, P, NA, DA or SA districts. <br />Zoning District Required Open Space <br />(SF / DU) <br />CN, CC, NA-1, NA-2, P 200 <br />SA-1, SA-2, SA-3, DA-1, DA-2, DA-3, DA-4, <br />DA-6 <br />60 <br />2-696 Additional Property Development Regulations: CN, CC, CS, CR, C-RM, P, NA-1, NA-2, SA-1, <br />SA-2, SA-3, DA-1, DA-2, DA-3, DA-4, and DA-6 Districts <br />Ground Floor Retail in DA-1. Retail uses required on ground floor on parcels fronting on <br />East 14th Street and Washington Avenue, north of Parrott Street. <br />Views into Buildings. On commercial ground floors in the DA and SA Districts, not less <br />than 50 percent of the first story of that portion of a building facing a street shall consist <br />of opening or clear or tinted glass windows providing views of merchandise displayed, building interiors, or courtyards. <br />Security Roll-Up Doors. Retractable security gates, window bars, and mall-style roll-up <br />doors shall be installed to the inside of existing windows or glass doors for installation of physical security measures on a building façade. A mall-style roll-up door must not be <br />visible during business hours. Metal gates, stored in a wall pocket or similar enclosure <br />so as not to be visible during business hours, and scissor-style security grilles, retracted into casing during business hours, are subject to the review and approval of the Zoning <br />Enforcement Official.