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`DEC.OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AFFECTING REAL, PROPERTY <br />1458 Ardmore Dr., /kswowmwr'm Parcel Number 079-0016-063-00 <br />The restrictive covenant described in this Agreement shall run with the land and shall be fully <br />applicable and enforceable as to owners, assigns and Successors in interest. <br />The Property affected herein iadescribed as: Lot 27, Recorded in Book 79 of map Page 16, of <br />'Fract 1733 of Alameda C'ounty, C'ity of San Leandro, C'alifornia. <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />Signaeure of" P4 <br />,,qviperty Owner <br />Print <br />Signature o(Property Owner <br />Print Name: <br />Anotary public nrofficer completing this certificate verifies only the identity <br />ofthe individual who signed the document mwhich this certificate is <br />attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, o,validity nfthat document. <br />State of California, <br />Countyof <br />On \�--) [p'L%'~ <br />appeared /Ls <br />the basis ofsa <br />before me, Notary Public, personally <br />/ who proved to me on <br />actory evidence to be the personf!p) whose name(j) is/a+e subscribed to the within <br />instrument and acknowledged to me that h4L�,/she/ttwavexecuted the same in h�/her/t-heirauthohzed <br />capacity��, and that by 4iVher/t,4,eir signaturej-,) on the instrumentthe personf�, or entity upon behalf <br />ofwhich the persopy(s)acted, executed the instrument. <br />| certify under PENALTY OFPERJURY underthelaws ofthe State of California that ingpao8raph <br />istrue and correct. <br />WITNESS my hand dofficial |. <br />Signature <br />Declaration ofRestrictive Covenant Affecting Real Property December 1O.2O18 <br />